Sunday – August 29, 2021

No complaining about weather here, as Hurricane Ida hits the southern coast. Actually, the humidity has relented a bit, and we had a fairly pleasant ride this morning. Jane is giving Derry a couple of days off, so she rode Stone.

Mistletoe is quite happy to rest indoors during this heat wave.

Outside, Tom Morris lolls about in the shade.

A monarch butterfly visited the zinnias.

Bart was looking for treats when I went to the barn to pick stalls. His expectation of treats works every time, and partly accounts for his less than svelte figure. Not sure what my own excuse is!

Harry took the dogs out for an airing.

One of our apple trees died, so I decided to be productive and cut it down this afternoon. I hauled it off into the woods, figuring a few steps into the woods wouldn’t hurt. My legs got covered in oak mites!! Honestly, I spent less than five minutes, and only at the edge of the woods. These miniscule creatures have become the bane of my existence. At least they do wash off if you get right into the shower and scrub, but I truly hate them.

Finally, there is lightning in the evening sky as the horses go out to graze, which promises an end to the heat wave here. I don’t know what will end the oak mite plague – probably frost.

Stay safe, stay well. Peace.

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