A Monday – August 30, 2021

Today, we gave the horses a day off. Somehow, it was a very hectic day, nonetheless. Harry spent much of the morning at the dentist, which is never a fun way to start the week, but the ongoing tooth project is nearing resolution.

I met Susan at the barn for delivery of her delicious banana bread – a loaf for us and one for Jane. And many banana peels for Oisin – one of his favorite treats.

I treated a friend’s horse’s ongoing foot issue – soaking and wrapping and hoping… We try not to think about Rebecca’s horse, who has spent all summer recovering from an abscess. Horses are frustrating and delicate creatures.

On the way home, a good omen! A turtle view – a magnificent painted box turtle specimen. I did not intrude on it, in its peregrination, to examine it for gender. Let’s just assume it is gender non binary… The small holes on the right side of the shell distinguish it for future sightings.

We had a pleasant surprise – the Mule was away for service and expected to return on Thursday. To our astonishment, it was finished early, and returned today. It is a venerable machine, but very useful, and was missed over these past weeks, while it was unwell. It has been serviced, and feels better than ever. I have also learned how to check the air filter for better care going forward. The young man who brought the Mule home visited the horses and the studio. He is a nascent artist himself, I think…

No pictures in the studio today, but I did take a few outside.

Barn chores were hot this evening, though horse flies are abating, it seems. We had not a drop of rain today, while in Kirkwood, where daughter Anne lives, there were flash floods with two inch downpours. The anticipated cooling temperatures have not arrived, but we have electricity and no fires threatening. No complaints here.

As the day started, with a generous delivery from Susan, it ended with more generosity, after dark descended. Rebecca, a true night owl, stopped by, as I was finishing in the barn, with eggs from her chickens and peaches from her sister, Vic, who picked the fruit from a local orchard. We are buoyed up (and well fed) by the kindness of friends.

Stay safe, stay well. Peace.

2 thoughts on “A Monday – August 30, 2021”

  1. Thank you, I will learn two new words today; your blogs are entertaining and educational. The design on the turtle shell could be considered a piece of art, such beautiful colors and design. At first I thought the photo of Cora was Pinto. Thank you for getting him neutered. Wherever he is there will not be litters of kittens because of him.

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