Tuesday – September 21, 2021

Last night’s Full Harvest Moon could not be seen, as clouds moved in, bringing some needed rain and cool temperatures. The fields were bleached and dry yesterday, and are already looking green again, thanks to three quarters of an inch of rain.

Riding was canceled, and we enjoyed a lazy start to the day. Soon, we were off to St. Louis county for errands and lunch with Peter.

There isn’t much to blog about, which means it has been a pleasant, quiet day. The only excitement came this evening, when I went out to close the tack room window. Varmints are discouraged by lack of access to cat food.

As I was walking back to the house, Bart looked longingly at me, so I returned to the barn to get an apple for “goodnight treats”. A guardian angel must have been on duty – when I went into the paddock to give bites of apple, the fence that had been just fine two hours before, was almost completely demolished. And it was almost dark, of course. I tried to fix it, but it was a lost cause, so I closed gates to keep the west paddock inaccessible. Tomorrow is already getting busy, with fence repair added to the list of chores.

I have begun to feed the birds again, with the guttering and roofing finished. Today, Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal stopped by as soon as food was offered. Looking forward to seeing our friends flying in from all over, soon.

The evening sky was magnificent.

And speaking of magnificence, here is what I woke up to this morning.

One more picture of Harry and dogs from yesterday, with a photobomber…

Stay safe, stay well. Peace.

3 thoughts on “Tuesday – September 21, 2021”

  1. Anne, Thank you for adding me back in. It was great to see you and Harry and Jane at the show. Looking forward to a trail ride. Take care

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