Monday – September 20, 2021

The horses came happily into their stalls this morning, and I was off to the dentist at 6:30 AM. Luckily, it was a routine cleaning, with no cavities found. As I was leaving, I stopped into the next cubicle to say hello to Harry, who was also having an uncomplicated dental visit, one hour after mine. Susan came by to ride Oisin. He was not exactly raring to go when she arrived! After she rode, she texted me that they were both alive and well.

The rest of the morning was filled with errands, and the day has felt exhausting, after a fun week of horse showing, followed by a sleepless night.

Mid afternoon, Rebecca arrived to help with the garden, which is horribly dry. We had fun, and managed to get quite a bit done

While there wasn’t much to report today, birthdays were on my mind. Yesterday would have been Irene’s 67th birthday. She, Sophie, and I were a trio for many years. We grew up riding together at Sophie’s farm, spending idyllic weekends on horseback. As life happened, over time we followed different paths. Though not before both Sophie and Irene were bridesmaids at our wedding. Irene eventually became a priest. Harry and I were privileged to attend her ordination. Sadly, only a few years later, we attended her funeral, when she died in her sleep at 59. I think of her often, of course, but especially in September as her birthday arrives with my favorite season.

Today is our niece, Kate’s, 32nd birthday. Michael’s youngest daughter, she was born on our maternal grandfather’s 100th birthday – September 20, 1989. Kate studied primatology, joined the Peace Corps, and is now a pilot for Delta.

I decided to take a picture of Harry with the dogs today. Mistletoe did not join in. The cats were very rude!

Weedy copied the cats (imitation being the sincerest flattery).

Harry then took pictures of me with Mistletoe! Which is funny, because Harry is her favorite human, although I love her very much.

The horses grazed happily while we played with the camera.

Stay safe, stay well, remember. Peace.

3 thoughts on “Monday – September 20, 2021”

  1. Lived with your folks on Conway, right?
    Where is Sophie now? California, singing? It is so hard to keep details straight .
    You sure did fab at the show. I hope it was financially successful enough to guarantee another one.
    Beautifully wet this morn.

    1. Yes, Florence. My mother’s father lived with us for several years, and, like my parents, was lucky enough to depart this world in the comfort of his own bedroom. It was a life lesson for all of us, growing up with three generations together.
      Sophie is currently here in St. Louis, but soon heading back to California. Her latest collection of songs is at or you can google Sophie Carpenter Box of Letters, which is the title.
      The horse show was not exactly a financial success, but some costs were defrayed, and I hope to try again soon. Certainly planning on Happenstance October 2 & 3. Dreaming of Omaha in May 2022, if Bart and I can hold it together until then.

  2. Wonderful seeing pictures of you, Anne, your smile, definitely one of the best! And, love the cats, so bored with all the silly posing. I am also happy to see Irene in her beautiful days. She really guided me through my first years of hunt seat. Irene, my friend Mary, and myself went to Treasure Key in the Bahamas some time after the photo of her was taken. Life takes from some and gives to others, no doubt. Wistful ruminations.

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