Tuesday – January 26, 2021

Not much to say about today, except that it was gloomy. I am off to run an errand, so will only post a couple of pictures until tomorrow’s post. No bird pictures today.

We are very happy to have been vaccinated, but, as a notable New York doctor friend said “A vaccination is not like going to Lourdes. You don’t throw down your crutches and walk”. This made me laugh a lot. Of course, nothing about our behavior will change for many months.

Here are the horses, locked in paddocks again today…

And last but not least, Mistletoe and Weedy…

Stay safe, stay well. Peace.

3 thoughts on “Tuesday – January 26, 2021”

  1. Some people do everything correctly according to the present protocols, and still get the plague! So you have an extra layer with the vaccine, but vigilance is still required. Sigh….so tired of this.

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