Snow! And Birds – January 27, 2021

There was a dusting of snow when we woke up this morning, but the birds could feel weather coming, and were flocking to the feeder before we even filled it.

I turned the horses out, and snow started in earnest. I gave them plenty of hay, including the delicious brome, saved for bad weather. They endured.

Meanwhile, I took pictures form the warmth and comfort of the house. Marianne came and did the barn work while I relaxed indoors.

The dogs were content in the house, as was Roscoe, who rules the house as the Maltese King of Cats. A Maltese cat is “any cat whose fur is either completely, or primarily, gray or blue and is of indeterminate breed” according to Wikipedia. The Maltese Cat is also a great short story by Rudyard Kipling about a polo pony.

When it was time to bring the horses in, snowballs in the feet were epic. The boys were all very good about the winter routine, and relieved to be on flat ground again, once the snowballs were pried from their feet.

The snow is beautiful, but the forecast is bitter for tonight, so it will be staying around, alas. I had hoped to get through this winter without shoveling snow, but that dream was buried in a snowdrift.

Stay safe, stay well, stay warm! Peace.

2 thoughts on “Snow! And Birds – January 27, 2021”

  1. I am wowed over the first photo of the multiple Cardinals. so Japanesey. Same with the “frazzeled” Pileated Woodpecker. I got a good laugh out of the commentary on that one! Great way to start the day, a cup of coffee, full moon shining bright in my bedroom window, Anne’s blog and photos, and a hardy laugh. I’m off to a good start! Oh! And Anne, Congratulations on your stalwart and succeessful efforts to solve your internet issues! Well Done!

  2. Hunting in the winter with those snowballs! We tried everything, spraying PAM like demented bakers, finally resorting to pads. High heels for horses, for sure.

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