
We have much to be thankful for, and we spent this Thanksgiving day quietly, unlike years past, when we had large gatherings. We are grateful for peace and quiet. Jane came over for chicken curry, not exactly traditional, but delicious. We did have pumpkin pie for dessert, thanks to Jane.

When I left off, on Tuesday, I was in the barn very late bathing and trimming the horses, and there was no time for a blog post. Yesterday, we were tacked up and ready to load into trailers (Jane was going to ride Oisin and he would travel in her trailer) for a drive to Three Creek Farm, where I used to live. We were going on a long anticipated trail ride with friends. Alas, at the last minute, one of our friend’s horses would not load into the trailer, so the outing was canceled. It was probably for the best. Despite warm temperatures, the wind was fierce and the group was not exactly young and fit. I was the youngest member of the expedition! Since we were ready to ride, Jane, Harry and I went for a ride around here on our impeccably turned out horses. Marianne had come by to do barn work and took some pictures as we set off.

The horses, having been ridden into submission over the past few days, including under cold conditions on Monday, were very well behaved, for the most part. Oisin was a bit feisty, but when he was allowed to lead, he was delightful. Bart was a perfect “old lady horse” at last!

Harry walked to the house after our trail ride. You can see the trailer ready to load behind him. It’s hard to believe he was incapacitated last year. We are very thankful for a well healed femur.

A friend sent us a tree peony, and it arrived Friday, with excellent timing. I was able to plant it in mild weather, and watered it in before a gentle rain during the night ushered in colder weather.

We went to a fancy cocktail buffet last night, again precluding a blog post. Today, the weather changed dramatically and the horses were quite frisky, enjoying a day off.

The birds enjoyed Thanksgiving, too.

The cats relaxed on Thanksgiving Day, like every day.

Stay safe, stay well. Peace.

5 thoughts on “Thanksgiving”

  1. I am a busy girl these days building my business and your photographs and kind words bring me great joy. Thank you so much for sharing your perspective on life,it’s so beautiful!

  2. As usual, story and photos are wonderful. I was really taken with two of the bird photos – the blue jay was exceptional …. The light on his breast/glint in his eye and the way he stood out against the pale back ground…. And the gold finch taking off with the light on his wings – one of your best in flight photos….
    Question: I thought the little ear covers on the horses were for keeping annoying insects at bay… Are the the pesky insects out this time of year? Is there another purpose for them? Love your horses….

    1. Thanks for the compliments.
      You are very observant, Judy! The bonnets ARE worn for insects, but we had planned to use them on the trail ride to dull the sounds, keeping the horses more relaxed. As it turned out, we didn’t need them, but the bonnets were with the bridles, so we put them on out of habit. I expect you won’t see them again until Spring!

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