Friday After Thanksgiving

It got very cold overnight, but the horses and cats have plenty of warm hair, and everyone was quite content, as I shivered out this morning.

There are more birds feeding, with the wintry weather, which is a welcome entertainment at this time of year. Even the less flashy birds are a delight.

The beautifully clean and trimmed horses managed to get thoroughly filthy before they came in last night. It didn’t matter today, because they had another day off. Harry and Weedy and I went to lunch with two nephews, Bob and Scott, which took up much of the day, and was a wonderful reconnection. No pictures of people were taken, though. Instead, here are dirty horse pictures.

When we returned home, it was time to let the dogs out. Weedy, Nettie, and Cedar charged through the door, with Mistletoe tottering after in her own time.

In the late afternoon, suddenly the horses felt the need to get some exercise. They romped so hard, I could hardly stand to watch. I’m pleased to report, though, that all shoes are still on, and there was no blood or limping involved. They need to go back to work tomorrow.

In the studio, Harry contemplated his current sculpture before we settled in for the evening. We collected the mail, and found our first Christmas card had arrived. Time for us to get busy with sending cards ourselves. I feel writer’s cramp coming on already!

Stay safe, stay well. Peace.

3 thoughts on “Friday After Thanksgiving”

  1. Wonderful romps for the horses! And, that precious little Titmouse. Oh my, you just want to hold him and keep him warm and safe. Getting dressed to go outside takes a while longer, and runny noses, and cold sheets when you get in bed alarm us that winter has arrived. But, the artist, his studio only changes when a new idea arrives, lucky hard at work Harry.

  2. Anne, I LOVE the pictures and your wonderful discriptions of them. Thanks so much for Thanksgiving gift!!

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