Tedious Thursday – February 25, 2021

No sleeping in this morning – Marilyn came by on her way to work to take a look at Oisin’s inflamed eyes. She flushed his tear ducts, which were not blocked, and prescribed eye ointment twice daily. He is at a disadvantage because of his “apron face” – white covering both eyes. But being Oisin, he does not complain and is quite belligerent to work on. Luckily, Marilyn understands how special he is. We compared notes on our own bodies’ deterioration, particularly backs, and Marilyn told some funny stories, which started the day on a laughing note. Roy has no physical complaints, and he is always good for a laugh, too.

Oisin’s shoeless foot was wrapped for protection in turnout, and the day unfolded.

There were a few more birds around today.

I lunged Bart and Stone. Oisin is sidelined until Fred returns.

Jane said Derry was very quiet today. She planned to work the ring after she was done, since I had to leave. Unfortunately, her Bobcat would not start, so she used our Mule, which, alas, stopped running just as Jane was finishing up. Jane called me, thinking it might have run out of gas. I assured her it couldn’t possibly be out of gas, I would attend to it when I returned. Of course, Jane was right, it was out of gas, so it was an easy fix, a mere frustration. I made it home just before dark, which was lucky, and the local anesthetic had not worn off, which was also lucky. I still don’t know what is wrong with Jane’s Bobcat.

I visited Harry in the studio before leaving for Chesterfield to see another dentist.

I had a very nice visit at The Tack Trunk, since it was near the new dentist, but then the day went south. I did need a root canal. And worse, they had scheduled enough time to do it today! I was not expecting that. Now the anesthetic is wearing off and my mouth hurts, so I will sign off with a final picture of Roscoe, which is good for whatever ails…

Stay safe, stay well. Peace.

4 thoughts on “Tedious Thursday – February 25, 2021”

  1. Sorry to hear about the troublesome tooth. Hope it feels better today.
    Harry is looking very spiffy with his new haircut!

  2. Ouch! Although I had a root canal in Florida, done by the most handsome gorgeous man you ever might see, consequently I didn’t feel a thing.
    The Flicker is exquisite! Love the Blue Jay doing the Twist! Harry’s great haircut along with handsome Weedy, then Roscoe, so elegant, great way to start the day.

    Let’s see, must I say this? Between your knee, back, and now tooth, to think all could have very well been avoided, if only, you know what!!
    I just heard this past Tuesday yet another testimony on Blog Talk Radio/Bemer/IBD’s from a 70+ gal, her falling apart body is no longer “falling to pieces” and she is so happy!!

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