Lost Shoe – February 24, 2021

After months of doing nothing with the horses, today was the day! But, as in almost everything in life, but especially with horses, nothing is simple.

Harry went off to town for some routine blood work and a haircut. No picture today, but I will get one tomorrow. Marianne arrived to do barn work, and I had a chance to visit with her to catch up. Again, I failed to get a picture. I had tried to get some bird pictures, but the birds are not flocking around in this nice weather. Also, my timing was bad today. As evidence, here is an attempt at a mockingbird picture this morning.

Well, my main objective was to lunge the horses. Sounds simple, but the road to the ring is a quagmire, so I decided that I had to clip legs to make them easier to wash afterwards. It took quite a while to clip 16 legs, also 3 bridle paths and jaw whiskers, and shorten 3 manes.

There was a break for a feast of a lunch prepared by the resident chef, who had returned from his adventures looking very handsome and much younger, with his new haircut.

Finally, I tacked up the first victim and went to the ring.

Though quite portly, Oisin looked great, very sound, and was working well when Jane arrived. Derry was very excited at having left her familiar paddock and returned to the world of the working horse. She did not look like a gentle “old lady horse” at all!

When Jane started lunging, Derry bucked with enthusiasm, and Oisin, who should have been tired by now, responded by leaping into the air and almost getting away from me. I held onto him, and he settled right down, but he no longer looked sound. He was a tiny bit off on his right front. I assumed he had stung the pastern injury, and thought he would work out of it, but he didn’t, so I was worried I had worked him too hard too soon. I returned to the barn to get victim #2.

I turned Oisin out and grabbed Bart, returning to the ring where Jane had a perfectly behaved, humble mare on her hands.

Bart was so good I was wishing I had dressed in riding clothes, but because of the muck, Jane and I had walked down to the ring in Wellingtons. No riding today, but soon!

And then I heard the sound of a horse shoe hitting another horse shoe. Bart was on the circle right where Oisin had thrown his fit. I walked over and found a freshly pulled shoe. Oh, dear! I am such an idiot. Oisin had jerked his right front shoe, and I never noticed. That was why he was a little bit off. I felt supremely stupid, but greatly relieved.

Unfortunately, Fred is in Arizona and won’t be here for a week. I will be doing foot wrapping and cursing loudly.

Well, best laid plans… there wasn’t time to lunge Stone. I had to work the ring, which requires daylight. Lunging makes a mess of the footing and it may freeze tonight. But, though there are never enough hours in the day, it was fun to be so busy with horses instead of shoveling snow!

Another beautiful sunset this evening.

Stay safe, stay well, stay shod. Peace.

1 thought on “Lost Shoe – February 24, 2021”

  1. Mu goodness! Our horses do keep us on our toes. Sounds like Bronze Fox Farm is getting back in gear for a little horse showing down the road. A plan, goals, and places to go, doesn’t it all sound so exciting?

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