Spring Palm Sunday – March 28, 2021

We awoke to the sound of rain, which was not expected, and which made me want to spend the morning in bed. But having horses does not allow such a luxury, so off to the barn I went. Tom Morris was on the front porch, greeting morning sun that followed the rain shower. He and Cedar accompanied me to the barn, where the horses awaited turnout.

Marianne was here to help with barn work and smiles. Marmalade ventured into the barn and shared a snack with Tom Morris.

Big bird excitement today, though no picture, in the return of the Wood Peewee Flycatcher. It’s a tiny, ordinary looking bird, but it nests in the shed and is one of my favorites. Alas, it is hard to get a picture of it. The towhee visited the porch today, and on the ring, Jane and I saw a bluebird of happiness.

It was quite windy and chilly, though a beautiful day. Jane came over for lunch. Harry made delicious wild rice tomato soup. We had planned to ride after lunch, but the wind was too cold, so we decided instead to reset the jumps on the ring. We definitely got our exercise, and the horses self exercised in the paddocks.

Spring is really starting to explode. The woods are greening, flowers are opening. And the willow tree that we cut down in February, is leafing and producing flowers on the burn pile, while the logs stacked by the shed are sending out leaves! “The force that through the green fuse drives the flower”, indeed (Dylan Thomas). There is vigor everywhere.

After more outdoor projects than I had planned, I was tired out. A restful evening with dogs and Harry finished the day.

Stay safe, stay well. Full Worm Moon tonight. Peace.

4 thoughts on “Spring Palm Sunday – March 28, 2021”

  1. Anne,
    Thank you for a most wonderful blog. It was so lovely and colorful and the story of such a day was charming, with lots go good humor..
    The “good morning” of the horses — beautiful.
    The whole blog. — beautiful.

    Thank you, again. Boats

  2. Your words and photos remind us that, yes, hope and perseverance remain strong in the natural world. I so enjoy watching the beauty of Spring awaken at Bronze Fox Farm. Thank you for sharing it, Anne.

  3. I, too, love this blog of life blooming. So many good shots, as I purused through thinking, “Oh! This is my favorite!” Then came the portrait of Harry, he wins!! Great portrait of your true love.

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