Grass At Last! – March 29, 2021

The day started, after extra early morning chores, with a 7 AM dental appointment to have my root canal finished by a permanent filling. I was dreading it, but it was almost pleasant, and took a fraction of the time I expected. That allowed for a trip to Starbucks and St. Louis Bread Company (breakfast soufflés), and home before 8 AM.

At 8:15, Jane had an appointment with a new eye doctor for a second opinion. Something has gone awry with her eyes, and her vision is not good. I was cribbing and weaving waiting to hear what happened. She told me I could blog about it.

Finally, around 11:15, she called. She was home, but the news is not great. Jane has Cystoid Macular Edema, probably as a result of the cataract surgery. On Thursday, she will see a retinal specialist. As things are now, she will need a driver, because her vision has become so compromised. The good news is that it can be fixed, and she is already on some eye drops that may help. It might take some time to return to normal, though. She says she cannot ride to jumps with her vision as it is now. Yikes!

Once I was over the shock of Jane’s news, I saw three deer grazing in the pasture. Bart saw them, too, and he was very upset at the injustice of it all. Horses locked in grassless paddocks, while deer are eating all the Spring grass!

A riot ensued.

I relented, and let the horses out on the grass for an hour. They were very happy.

The romping for joy didn’t last too long, before heads dropped to the grass.

The delighted boys were only allowed an hour, as horses will eat themselves sick on Spring grass. They were dragged back to the paddocks, and they did get another hour on grass in the late afternoon, before coming in for the night.

The birds and flowers flourished on this glorious day.

Roscoe is concerned about Jane, as are we all here at Bronze Fox Farm. She is on the way to recovery in good hands, it’s just bad luck.

Stay safe, stay well. Peace.

7 thoughts on “Grass At Last! – March 29, 2021”

    1. Thank you for offering, Janis, but I am her official medical transport driver – haha! The reason I said “might” need a driver is that she would prefer to drive herself and will, if the eye drops improve things. It’s so sweet of you – and you are the first person I would call if I needed help, certainly!

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