First Jumpfest of 2021 – March 27, 2021

Our good friend, Brett, came for a visit this morning, and brought his horse of a lifetime, Minka, with him. A jumpfest ensued. We didn’t jump very high, but we are all rusty. It was a perfect day, and so much fun to ride together.

Brett changed my life in 2014, when he called me out of the blue, and offered me a chance to take his spectacular horse, Bravo VDL, for six months. I had ridden all my life, but I never understood how superlative a horse could be, until I rode Bravo. I love all horses, but if I had ridden Bravo at twenty, I would have approached the game quite differently. Of course, the game of showjumping itself was not as sophisticated as it is now, with horses specifically bred for the sport, as Bravo was. Anyway, I will always be grateful to Brett for the gift of riding Bravo, who has gone on to Grand Prix success since.

But today, we rode down to the ring, laughing all the way. We are all vaccinated and safe together.

As you can see, we had an official photographer with us, a real artist – Harry, who also served as jump crew.

Brett has not jumped Minka for well over a year, and he did not ride at all during the pandemic, though his horses were kept in work throughout. Minka is 21 years old now, and as sound and feisty as a four year old filly. Jane and I rode Derry and Bart, who enjoyed being youngsters for a change, at 17 and 15.

We jumped a gymnastic, and added courses to it gradually.

We had a great morning, and feel very fortunate for good friends and good horses.

Marianne helped make it possible, doing the barn work while we played. She is so busy with various jobs that she could not come to the ring for the jumpfest itself, but she is a very valuable part of the game.

After Brett left, Jane set jumps for Oisin. We did similar exercises with him, but not quite as many jumps, since he is still not as fit as the other two. He was the perfect mix of enthusiasm and rideability, and, as always, impeccable in his jumping technique.

Finally, I tacked up Stone, and he seemed to be comfortable. His tummy is almost back to normal. I lunged him first, and he looked sound and happy, so I had a short ride on him. Harry came down to the ring to see his horse, and took a short video, from which I lifted a picture.

To finish the afternoon, Jane and Harry and I, along with Weedy, drove over to our friend’s house to finish the ramp by putting traction strips on it. No sooner did we get there, than the weather alerts began pouring in – severe thunderstorm warnings. We worked fiendishly, finishing just as the first raindrops began. Just what we do not need – more rain! By the time we got home, it seemed we had missed the bad storms here, and all was well. There were a few more short downpours, but very little thunder and no lightning. Altogether, a very good day!

Stay safe, stay well. Wishing all plenty of good days. Peace.

2 thoughts on “First Jumpfest of 2021 – March 27, 2021”

  1. The photos of the “jumpfest” are spectacular. Kudos to all…. horses, riders and photographers!

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