The St. Louis National Charity Horse Show is always a special show.  It is now held at the National Equestrian Center in Lake St. Louis, like many other shows, but it has a different vibe, and feels significant.  It could be the resonance of years past in an old lady’s memory (my first Grand Prix, my first and only Puissance Class)…  Of course, last year, I couldn’t show because of a bad back, so this year is a bonus.  As we get older, every good day becomes noteworthy!

The #oldladieshorseshowing set out at 8 AM with Derry and Bart, arriving at the show in time to walk the course before events were underway.  Melissa showed Susan’s lovely mare, Galatea, in the first class.  It is always inspirational to watch Melissa ride, and she was the first in the ring to open the jumper portion of the show, finishing with a blue ribbon, clean round…

Susan followed in the second class, also laying down a beautiful ride…

The morning progressed slowly, but it was a beautiful, cool start to the day.  There was a heron in the pond by the jumper ring…

Jane and Derry were ready early…

Bart decided it was time for his morning snooze just as I was thinking it was time to tack up…

The 1 meter Hopeful Jumper was the third class of the day – a perfect class for the old ladies, who are always hopeful (of going clean, of not embarrassing Kris, and of being able to continue horse showing).  Harry arrived in time to watch, and to video, for which we are very grateful.  We learn a lot from watching our rounds.  Bart and Anne went first… I have my George Morris game face on, as does Kris! These pictures pulled from video might not quite show that…

Bart was a bit spooky in the new venue, the outdoor ring, but jumped around clean over Brody Robertson’s beautiful St. Louis themed jumps…

Derry and Jane followed with a less erratic round, also clean…

We both earned blue ribbons for our clean rounds!  Bart was pleased (so was I)…

Our dear friend, Jane McClaren arrived from Lexington with her rather naughty dog, Chaps, too late to watch the old ladies in action.  Chaps lives to kill all other dogs (he is a Jack Russell) so Jane has to control him constantly,  but she manages to be great fun as well.  It is a bit confusing with two Janes to contend with, but so good to see Jane McClaren!  I didn’t get a picture today, but she took us on a  tour of Old Friends in 2016 when we were at The Makeover.  Here she is with Silver Charm…

Meanwhile, at home, poor Roscoe was not well – although his abscess had drained and was healing, he developed an extremely painful left hind foot and Harry had to run him to the vet this morning.  He is now on antibiotics.  His foot is not broken, and there is no abscess (yet).  It is probably related to the altercation earlier this week.  I just hope it’s not going to be a regular issue between Roscoe and Stockings, because Stockings will have to leave.  Roscoe is the Maltese King of Cats, and will NOT be deposed!!

Ouchy foot (non weight bearing lameness – good thing Roscoe is not a horse!)…

Bart is annoyed by Derry’s  flirtation over the stall tops with Hunter Holloway’s horses in the next aisle…

I am so glad that Hunter is here – it’s always nice to watch the top riders, in hopes that some of their skill will blow off onto us.  Alas, Bravo is not with her, but every horse she rides is a delight to watch.  Here she is on Dublin…

Derry and Bart are enjoying a night out in the pasture, while we hope for another good day tomorrow…

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