Saturday – November 28, 2020

Sorry to say, this was another one of those busy days, with not much to blog about. It was a frosty start. The birds were commonplace and my photography wasn’t lucky, as it can be sometimes.

After a cold start, it was a glorious day. I stripped Stone’s stall, and while I was working, the horses came up for a drink, and, in Oisin’s case, a roll. I had my camera with me.

Marianne came to help with barn work. I also needed her strength to help me with some lifting of heavy things. She is young and strong – and fun.

After a late lunch, Harry had a rest with the dogs.

Harry spent several hours in the studio with his dog assistants and they took a break in the late afternoon, before calling it a day.

Mistletoe trundles to the house…

Stay safe, stay well.

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