Friday – November 27, 2020

Today was another busy day with nothing much to blog about. Well, I could tell some tales, but I have to respect privacy, so let your imagination run. For now, let’s see what birds are about here…

There was sun again today, which was appreciated by all of us.

I did some distasteful chores, including cleaning out the drain on the wash rack, before cold weather makes it an even more unpleasant job. It’s a glamorous life we lead, here!

Harry had several errands, which culminated in pizza! Jane came over and we feasted, after which Jane and I laughed a lot. Unfortunately, I failed to get a picture of Jane because we were laughing too much. I love the Yiddish saying “Laughter is heard farther than weeping.” Lately, I find myself doing both, and the former is also more pleasant.

When it was time for the horses to come in, there was some of the usual sparring.

I took a couple of pictures on the way to the house.

Harry took the dogs out for an airing, and a few biscuits, as the late afternoon temperatures began to drop

The moon is waxing, and the clear skies afforded a picture as it rose in the east. Full Beaver Moon is still a few days off.

And finally, out in Montana, Rainy is growing up, but not as quickly as her younger pal, Honey. They are a pretty pair. Soon, they will be weaned.

Stay safe, stay well.

4 thoughts on “Friday – November 27, 2020”

  1. Look at the scaredy cat standing up for a portrait! Thanks for sharing sun and moon, nice to know they’re still there. Rainy is the cutest little mule, especially when she’s smiling. And Harry, you look marvelous. Enjoy the weekend. Peace.

  2. Bronze Fox Farm’s cats, dogs, horses, birds, and slimy critters too, what a delight. I enjoyed the past Thanksgiving’s photos in the previous blog, the special gatherings of folks, good food, lovely tables, the outdoors, and love. Can’t beat that! I could, however, have skipped the drain graphics, hahaha!! And, of course, we now begin or continue for some, the loss of good friends. Yet, somehow, we are still here, the lucky ones!

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