Saturday – June 27, 2020

Today was a day of projects. Bart was relieved that he was not pressed into work.

Harry worked hard in the studio to make up for Bart’s indolence, and the new sculpture is already much less creepy. Even after all these years, Harry’s facility astonishes me.

Outside the studio, though, there is a creepy fungus on the viburnum. Really disgusting…

Harry continues to do his exercises every day.

I started the day with a healthy breakfast, inspired by Harry toward better health. Then, I had lunch, and dessert. Harry insisted on taking a picture of my nutritious angel food cake with fresh pineapple and a bit of whipped cream (from a can). I disapprove of food pictures, but sometimes exceptions must be made.

Jane stopped by for a visit while I was working in the barn, and I got a picture. A Red Headed Friend! I am so lucky.

Finally, out in Montana, Rainy continues to discover new things in her world. She wonders how to deal with this!

(Photo by Nancy Stevens)

Stay safe, stay well and eat healthy foods. Pineapple is very healthy.

2 thoughts on “Saturday – June 27, 2020”

  1. Pineapple for breakfast! Harry is a superhero. You and Jane and Harry are some of the luckiest people I know ❤️ Of course Ted and I are in that number.😊

  2. Another in your continuing wonderful way to start the day for all of us addicted to these delightful posts.
    And the addition of sprayed whipped cream …almost too much joy!

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