Monday, April 18

A rather cold and dreary start to the day turned sunny and breezy by noon. Bart enjoyed a rest.

A goldfinch perched by the kitchen window and sang for several minutes while Harry was preparing lunch. When he departed, a cardinal stopped by. It was fun to have them so close.

It was a fairly busy day, as Mondays often are. Harry had a proposal to prepare, which entailed a trip to town, and I had to get some bedding and arrange a painful appointment for truck service. In addition to an oil change and whatever it needs, it definitely needs six new tires (and alignment). I remind myself that a new truck would cost what we used to pay for a house, so even expensive maintenance is preferable. I really hope this truck will see me out. This year it qualifies for antique vehicle license plates! It’s 25 years since I broke it in on a drive to Kentucky with Thistle and Bracken… I hope it gets us to Omaha and back!

Skittle needs to go on a diet, unlike her lean siblings.

Finally, it is a wonderful Spring for lilacs. The leftover lilac I planted alongside the woods languished for years, bloomless. It is glorious today. Harry got a picture of me by the very fragrant, florescent lilacs alongside the paddock.

Be safe, be well. Pray for Ukraine. Peace.

4 thoughts on “Monday, April 18”

  1. Those pink blossoms against the sky–so welcome on a day like this. How can you have leftover lilace? So fragile; you must have a magic touch in a magic garden.

  2. Our truck is 21 this year! And still paying personal property tax. Sigh….
    My lilac bush died last year. I miss the fragrance.

  3. Spring blossoms are so cheering. I hope my lilac will do well this year. A late freeze 2 years ago hurt it badly. I love the scent. Grant saw a Towhee this morning, first time in months.

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