Easter – April 17

Easter Sunday brings memories of Easter baskets full of jelly beans and other delicacies. We seven children searched out our baskets, identified by names on the decorated eggs, and overdosed on sugar. As an adult, I am astonished by what my mother and father accomplished, giving us a fairly idyllic childhood. I no longer celebrate Easter, but I did enjoy this information in today’s Writer’s Almanac : “The word “Easter” and most of the secular celebrations of the holiday come from pagan traditions. Anglo Saxons worshipped Eostre, the goddess of springtime and the return of the sun after the long winter. According to legend, Eostre once saved a bird whose wings had frozen during the winter by turning it into a rabbit. Because the rabbit had once been a bird, it could still lay eggs, and that rabbit became our Easter Bunny. Eggs were a symbol of fertility in part because they used to be so scarce during the winter. There are records of people giving each other decorated eggs at Easter as far back as the 11th century.”

Well, today there really wasn’t much of “a return of the sun”. It was a miserable, cold, rainy day. But Bart hopped into the trailer with enthusiasm, and we returned to Mechlin Farm for another jump school. Bart was so good!! He was forward, and jumped well, and we had a Happy Easter. Harry made it over to watch just in time. I had been worried that Bart would be worn out, but he felt energetic, and did plenty of romping before we left, and after we returned. We are still on track for Omaha, but given our luck this year, we are taking it one day at a time. Again, Jane took video, which is very helpful.

The rain didn’t arrive until afternoon, so the horses did have some pleasant grazing time.

I took some bird pictures this morning.

Marianne’s help makes it possible for me to gallivant off to ride at Mechlin Farm. I would not be able to ride and show Bart without the help of Harry and Jane and Marianne. It takes a lot of help for an Old Lady to horse show!

Finally, Weedy reminds us that cold, rainy days are great for resting.

Be safe, be well, Happy Easter! Slava Ukraini! Peace.

4 thoughts on “Easter – April 17”

  1. Your Bart, he’s a Wowza!!! Beautiful form. It’s wonderful to see talent on top of talent! And, the adorable photo of the Nuthatch taking off, another favorite of mine. But, I do love the twisty tree photos. Happy days at Bronze Fox Farm, good to see! Carry on!!

  2. Thanks for a nice post! I really enjoyed learning the etymology of Easter eggs. The green pasture, redbuds, soaring horses and birds, your mother no doubt was smiling with the Easter sun yesterday, from her distance exactly seven years above the clouds.

    1. I agree with that Mark! It explains so much that has otherwise felt like ‘cognitive dissonance’ to me. Eggs and bunnies are about fertility I guess but who else connects them like this pagan holiday. On top of the intense/wild Jesus stories…

  3. Anne, thanks for that interesting information about the word “Easter”. And I do enjoy seeing you performing on Bart. Some nice warm day I’d like to that in person.
    Right now, the gloom has passed , and we can say, “Bonjour Soleil”. Hope it’s a good day for you and all.

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