Mid January

The middle of January is often a time to be endured, with miserable weather, and Spring a long way off. But this year, we have been offered many Springlike days here, in the middle of Winter. It’s a little bit ominous, but it has been nice for spending time outside, which we must do in all weather, regardless, with animals in our care.

Yesterday was January 16, the 69th Anniversary of my parents’ wedding. They were married in Chicago – in January! What were they thinking? My father, Brian, a dashing Royal Naval officer, arrived two days later than planned, due to a winter Transatlantic crossing. Despite that spell of anxiety, the wedding to Trudy was glorious, and a long marriage filled with unexpected turns ensued. They were married for 56 years, which is a good run.

As a footnote, I came along 11 months later, in December, 1954. In September, 1985 I wore my mother’s wedding dress to marry Harry, a dashing US Naval officer. I hope we get 56 years…

But back to January in Missouri… I have become a citizen scientist, joining Project FeederWatch through Cornell Lab of Ornithology, since I didn’t have enough to do (ha!). Two days a week I will count the birds on the back porch. It is more challenging than I expected, but fun. I got involved because I was searching the internet after seeing a goldfinch with eye disease. Fanatical cleaning followed, and tube feeders, which can spread the eye disease, are now removed for two weeks.

Marilyn rode through on Sunday, which was a blustery day. I had the camera handy when she and Roy came past.

Yesterday, Rebecca stopped by with eggs. Of course, she insisted on sweeping the barn aisle while she was here for just a short visit. I wanted a picture of her, and then Rebecca took the camera and got a picture of Jane and me as we set out for a ride.

I wore a bonnet on Bart to block the wind gusts. I had chosen to ride Oisin, who is less spooky about wind, but to my dismay, he had stepped out of his right front shoe! Luckily, there was no damage to the hoof, and miraculously, Fred was able to come by today to give him a new shoe. I expect we will find the lost shoe with the mower in the Spring. The lost shoe was my fault, because I recently commented on the fact that we had no lost shoes at all last year.

Harlan was here this morning, before Fred. He always has interesting tales to tell. Today, he had to take a call.

Harry has continued to improve after last week’s cardioversion fail. Here he is yesterday with daughter Anne’s self portrait. She certainly got the artistic gene!

Today, Harry and Weedy set out for errands before I had finished barn chores. Weedy much prefers it if I do not join them, because then he can sit in the front.

The cats are enjoying the mild weather, too.

Be safe, be well. Slava Ukraini! Peace.

9 thoughts on “Mid January”

  1. Remember that wedding very well as I was being introduced to the whole family! Many happy memories with the Barry clan over the years…
    And you were a beautiful bride in your Mom’s gorgeous satin dress !
    So many years ….stay well and love to you both. Aunt Pat

  2. Mademoiselle Fassero

    Belle photo de tes parents le jour de leur marriage. J’aimerais voir celle de toi et Harry sur laquelle tu portals la robe de ta mère.

  3. OK, I think I saw a sick little finch at my feeders today. Cleaning feeders will commence tomorrow. Derry positively twinkles in her bid for a cookie. Wonderful to see Harry looking better.
    Slava Ukraini

  4. I’m impressed with all of your postings. I wore my mothers satin dress which looked a lot like your Mom’s. Your parents were a very good looking couple. I’m glad Harry is doing better. I love all of the pictures of the animals. My sons dog is in kidney failure and is now in Mexico at a very nice vet but it’s been a rollercoaster since Saturday going to various vets. She’s only 3 so praying that she makes it through. He went to visit her last night and she stood and wagged her tail which was wonderful. It’s such a helpless feeling when your kids are suffering and there’s not a lot you can do………..Glad you’ve been able to ride with the decent weather. Poor Encore thinks I’ve abandoned him as I haven’t ridden much with the pneumonia and surgery on Friday will set me back another 2 weeks………. I’ll be glad when this is all over and I can get to the barn. Take care

  5. Love all the pictures of birds, horses and especially Harry,! Here is a good rainy day for house work, a contrast to yesterday, which gave Ragamuffin a chance to visit a nearby cemetery. We don’t know what the attraction is but he loves to race thru cemeteries, maki g quick stops to look around and then off again. Had a good long chat with Holly this morning and when we make plans to meet you two at the Smokehouse Annie Gunns she may be able to join us. That should be great fun and conversation!

  6. Whenever I check out one of your posts, Anne, it makes me incredibly happy just looking at Harry’s smiling face–and especially when he’s with dear Weedy! I miss you both very much, and am grateful for your really gorgeous photos which, at least for a few minutes, dissolve the distance (way too much) between Bronze Fox Farm and New Hampshire.


  7. If Harry doesn’t have the kindest, most generous, and loving face, darn near on the planet, well, I’ll be a horse’s ass. Speaking of a horse’s ass, let’s go to Derry’s face, her eye, I agree with my niece Linda, her eye twinkles. The dress history is lovely, you Anne wearing your mother’s dress. All’s good at Bronze Fox Farm, as Trigger seems to witness, good to know, so very good to know!

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