Friday – August 27, 2021

August is nearing its end, but the heat feels endless. Today was another hot day with air that feels like a damp blanket. We had half an inch of rain last night, which made the ring delightful, but the horseflies and the temperature detracted from the nice footing.

Susan rousted the old ladies, and we had a good ride, though I am unable to take pictures, since I spend my down time killing horse flies.

A friend has a horse that was badly shod a couple of days ago. I helped pull a high heel nail yesterday evening, but he wasn’t much better today. Jane and I went over and poulticed and wrapped the foot, but the end of the story is that this evening, I had to help pull the shoe and soak the foot. There were four nails inside the white line, so we soaked his foot, and now we are just hoping that an abscess will not develop. Horrible weather for dealing with an issue like that.

And speaking of dealing with feet on hot days – Fred came to Jane’s house this morning to trim her donkey and pony, Calvin. I stopped by for entertainment. Fred never disappoints, either with the quality of his shoeing or the hilarity of his conversations. I did get a couple of pictures. As a bonus, he brought his new dog, Sue, along. We have been looking forward to meeting her. Stripey, the old Jack Russell, is showing new Sue the ropes.

In the studio, Harry has been hard at work starting his new project. I went in to take some pictures.

Nathaniel stopped by, but it was just too hot to work. He helped with a couple of minor tasks that were easier done with his young muscles than by me, then I sent him home to take it easy, which I doubt he did. His timing was good – he arrived just after the Straatmann 100 bales of bedding were unloaded with old lady feeble assistance. I got my strength exercise today, anyway.

All of the animals were lethargic in the heat. I did come across a very tiny toad, using my finger for scale. He didn’t seem to mind the weather.

There is a break in the heat forecast for Monday. We can endure until then.

Stay safe, stay well, stay cool. Peace.

4 thoughts on “Friday – August 27, 2021”

  1. Patrick Parks left a deadly white line imbedded nail two and a half months ago. Little app is still not right although better. Takes forever for healing . I think it is really a requirement for time and for hoof growth even with best soaking. Life is so long and hard this summer.a

  2. I’m hot just reading this! And I’m laughing with you. I can see you, Anne, relentlessly killing Horse Flies in your downtime! Ha ahahahahahah. A good laugh is the perfect cure-all for these troubled times of, heat, fires, Taliban, botched exit, womwn falling through religious cracks, bad shoeing, and nasty flies. Lordy, bring me the rain and the cool, and an operable Congress with a balanced and benevolent minded Pentagon. Ha Hahahahahahahahaa . . . . . hahahaah . . .hahaha

  3. Love your blog! So happy to read all of your news. Hi to Harry and his new project. Will probably ride this coming Wednesday. Hi to Jane as well!

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