Bridlespur Horse Show 81 – June 11

The Bridlespur Horse Show has been a tradition for 81 years. It was a three day horse show in 1970 when I first competed. The horse show was held on Squires Lane, near Lindbergh Boulevard, in St. Louis County for the last time in that location. In 1971, the show moved out to The Bridlespur Hunt Club grounds near New Melle, Missouri. Development has continued to encroach, and Bridlespur Hunt Club has moved north to a beautiful piece of property in Lincoln County. Recently, Ellen Baehr has taken on management of the Bridlespur Horse Show at her Happenstance Farm in Wright City, which is very convenient for us. She has continued to improve the grounds, and this year the weather was delightful. Attendance was high, and a good time was had by all. I might hold the attendance record, and I may be the only person who showed on Squires Lane who is still showing.

I well remember my first Bridlespur, where I rode Tré Awain Daybreak in the Pony Hunter Division. We tied in points with another pony and had to hack off. I (incredibly) won the hack off, and was awarded the Championship. I knew that we had hacked off for the Reserve Championship, but I was too shy to speak. As I walked out of the ring, confused, I was yelled at by an adult, and cried for ages. The situation was sorted out, of course. The proper pony received the championship, and that Bridlespur became the first of many horse shows at which I have shed tears.

This year, I wasn’t sure at all about showing, but at the last minute, I suited up, loaded Oisin into the trailer Friday morning, and rode in the 81st Annual Bridlespur Horse Show. At horse shows, I spell his name phonetically, and O’Sheen was delighted to be back in action. He was wild, and jumped exuberantly, winning both of his classes, cheered on by Pam and Louise (and Jane and Susan). Susan and Galatea won all three of their classes for a Low Adult Championship, with Jane and Derry a close second in the two classes they did.

We all did well. Louise is showing Beau, a new ride for her, with Paula helping, and she got primary ribbons in the Crossrail Hunters on Friday, then stepped it up a notch and won a class on Saturday, in a field of twelve!

Of course, part of the fun of horse showing in old age is socializing with friends, and Bridlespur provided plenty of that. I took Oisin home, checked on Harry and Weedy, and returned to Happenstance.

The licksleeve arrived on Friday, which is a huge improvement over the e-collar. Now, Weedy can sleep in our bed with us, and he is much happier.

Saturday, better rested, we returned to the show again, and Oisin was still wild, but jumped high and clean, winning both of his Saturday classes and a leather halter! We had a rather dramatic stumble on the way to the last jump, but he saved us both and we returned home covered in glory, instead of sand.

Nine years ago today, Oisin won his first Pinto World Championship belt buckle. Now he has a Bridlespur Championship halter to go with his SIX belt buckles.

Susan continued her winning streak, and Jane and Derry had two beautiful rounds. Susan’s husband and son came to cheer us all on, which was fun.

Around the show on Saturday…

Jane and I had plenty of fun in the first two days, so we skipped out today. Also, it was Harry’s 81st birthday!! We don’t celebrate birthdays, but with Weedy improving, we were able to talk Harry into visiting the show today, which was fun. It was wonderful, cool Irish weather. The rain we have been longing for finally arrived, gently and pleasantly.

Susan finished with a clean sweep, winning all of her classes over three days!

Be safe, be well. Slava Ukraini! Peace.

9 thoughts on “Bridlespur Horse Show 81 – June 11”

  1. I missed it all! I would have come at least Friday and Sunday but this pesky knee interfered. And then I had a commitment to judge Queeny Park Horse Trials on Saturday. Wonderful pictures!

    1. You were missed, Janis! Queeny Park Horse Trials were lucky to have you so soon after surgery! Weedy is impressed. So am I!

  2. I remember in the 90s when you encouraged me to show in the children’s adult class when bridalSpur was in new Melle
    My goal was to practice for the combine training competitions that I entered so I went to a few small jumper shows for practice so this was a big deal for me
    We walked the course and you showed me the path to take and said don’t do this way because that’s a Harry Weber turn
    Well, Hal was a star however slow. You stood on the sidelines, yelling gallop gallop gallop.
    He went around clean, and I was thrilled
    At the end, you ask me why I didn’t do the Harry Weber turn. 😂
    There were lots of cheers from the crowd I had a great time
    I loved all your photos. I was going to come up on Saturday and totally forgot.

    1. Oh, Betsy! What a wonderful memory! We had such fun in the 90s and are so fortunate to have crossed paths, giving us memories to share, while still riding as “old ladies”. Keep in touch, and let me know about your Century Ride! No Harry Weber turns in Dressage!!

  3. I LOVE the photo of you and Harry standing by Oisin with your blue ribbon. Getting a blue ribbon kind of keeps us in the game, I think. I’m so glad we came early enough on Friday to see you and Jane and Susan ride. For us novices, You gals are so exciting to watch. It was fun to see Katie Jaeger as well. Horse shows are a lot of work and expense, but they are also huge social events. I’ll look for ward to your next event.

  4. Well belated Happy Birthday, Harry! What wonderful horses and what a great weekend.
    What a great invention is that licksleeve! Glad Weedy is doing well.

  5. Good to see photos of you, Anne, what a great smile. And, how you love the horse shows. I planned on going to watch a little, but went bird watching instead. I would have loved to have seen Jane, who once had my Jesse under her tuteledge. Next year I must come out! Weedy, we all love the doggies, good to see he is in recovery mode! And, Harry, dashing as always! Jane looks great on Derry and I love Oisin’s antics!

  6. Thank you so much for the pictures of O!!! His happy bucking is annoying, but he’s SO happy to be at a show.

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