Year’s End – December 30, 2021

Yesterday was very busy, but ended with the news that we had been in contact with someone who tested positive for Covid. Suddenly, we are back to lockdown as we quarantine here for five days.

We had an early start, turning horses out and getting ready for a trip to St. Louis. We stopped en route and picked up a used saddle that Harry had made an offer on for me as a Christmas present.

Next stop was Dr. Cooper, the brilliant cardioelectrophysiologist who has worked on Harry’s heart. We were having a consultation to talk about possibilities. It was very interesting, we learned a lot, and Harry has various options to consider. Our preference, of course, is that he will not need to address the matter, if his heart will just stay in rhythm. But, we are realists…

We rushed from the doctor’s office to lunch with brother Mark and his wife, Cynthia. They are in St. Louis from Chicago doing some work on a rental house. It was fun to spend time with them. They proposed listing three important (maybe “best”) things in 2021. I was unable to do it. I have great difficulty picking “the best” – even each time I do this blog, I have trouble choosing the pictures for the day! I will contemplate, anyway. Conversations with Mark are rarely linear, always memorable.

A quick run through the grocery store, then home again. And here we received a call from a friend to let us know they had tested positive for Covid. We were masked and fairly distanced, but with an abundance of caution, we have had to cancel plans and stay home. This is the first time we have had an actual Covid contact, that we know of. Of course, we had to let Mark and Cynthia know, too. It seems we may all eventually get this new variant of Covid, it is so rampant, but we are hoping to avoid it, and certainly will try to avoid passing it around.

Arthur is getting braver and venturing upstairs more often.

Well, being quarantined here is not such a misery, and the weather today was tolerable. It was damp (we have had two inches of rain!) and foggy to start.

Arthur came upstairs this morning, and progress is being made. The hissing and growling is diminishing.

Two ginger cats accompanied Cedar and me to the barn.

By mid afternoon it was a nice day, and Jane and I met on the ring (a well ventilated, safe space) to ride, so that I could try the saddle. It seemed to fit Bart, and I found it very comfortable. I jumped a few small jumps and didn’t fall off, so I think we will keep the saddle. It does seem a bit of an extravagance at my age, but Corinne reminded me today that a friend of ours is still riding and jumping at 87, so I am optimistic.

Back at the barn, Tom Morris snoozed with Rosie in the tack room.

The horses enjoyed the afternoon sunshine, but at this time of year they are always ready to come in for dinner.

Harry was at work in the studio, with Nettie keeping a close eye on his progress.

The sky was beautiful at end of day, and almost end of year.

Stay safe, stay well! Wear your mask! Peace.

5 thoughts on “Year’s End – December 30, 2021”

  1. Hope you stay safe and well. Happy to see the gray kitties in peaceful proximity.
    Best wishes for a peaceful new year.

  2. Priceless, the two orange cats with their tails wrapped around each other, Love it!! This Covid flu seems not too bad. Recently, I had a friend with it and it lasted 11 days. She is about 20 years younger and a fit horsewoman, but still. I guess if we go out with others in closed areas where we might stay a while, restaurants, theaters, etc. these are the places one contracts the virus. Right? We lucky horse people are either outside or in well ventilated barns. Love the photos, exceptional smiles all around! We’ll bring in the New Year tomorrow with temps in the 60’s. After it will change, and winter will come. Burrrrrr. Meanwhile, life at Bronze Fox Farm is a delight! Happy New Year!!

  3. Your pictures are wonderful. It’s nice to have a doctor that will explain things properly. After all how else can you make such important decisions?
    Many good wishes.

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