Wet Wednesday – April 29, 2020

I lost my original, very witty opening to this post somehow.

After turning horses out onto their Camargue marsh pasture, we had a new visitor. Jane had seen a pair of Baltimore orioles yesterday, so I was delighted when one stopped by here. There are two pictures, but it was just one bird.

They are called Baltimore Orioles, not because they come from Maryland, but because their orange and black coloration evokes the colours of British Lord Baltimore’s heraldic crest.

Today I did house chores and nothing newsworthy, though we had a pleasant start to a rainy day with a phone call from a dear friend. E mail and texting is OK, but hearing a friend’s voice, and especially laughter, is magnitudes better.

Harry worked in the studio and did his exercises. I was too lazy to participate in the exercise program. Maybe tomorrow…

The dogs were more or less housebound, too…

Afternoon brought more birds, with a break in the rain.

The horses were wet when they came in. Oisin remedied that with a roll as soon as he finished his dinner.

Stone decided the shed wasn’t such a bad idea after all. Bart was pleased to have a day off.

Finally, this picture of a dove perfectly illustrates the feel of this day. We only had an inch and a quarter of rain, but it was unseasonably cool and miserable…

No complaints – a cool, rainy day indoors was a pleasant change of pace. Stay safe and well and warm and dry.

3 thoughts on “Wet Wednesday – April 29, 2020”

  1. Pretty wet in KY too, no surprise, it might be why KY looks like The Emerald Isle. Your birds!!!! I’ve never seen a Rosebreasted Grosbeak! And, the million, it seems, Goldfinches! Beautiful. I get excited to see my water birds behind my house, geese, ducks, and Blue Heron. Harry has discipline, I admire that, going down in the basement to trudge on the machine. The dogs look resigned, and the horses, the happiest horses! You stay warm, dry, and well too!

  2. florence shinkle rice

    Ask Harry if he’s aware that our three largest St. Louis companies are letting 20 percent of the workforce go, and even Centene the perfect is cutting. I refuse to look at anything but bird pictures.

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