Wednesday – November 25, 2020

It was a dreary, wet day again today, and we had a morning errand across the river, so the horses went out early. Marianne came and did barn work while we were gone, but I stripped and rebedded Oisin’s stall when we got back. Now, Stone has to live with dusty leftovers for a few days until he is worthy of “clean sheets”.

For today’s bird pictures, we have a Downy woodpecker, much smaller and more numerous than the similar Hairy woodpecker. Also, a cold, damp dove. No “in flight” pictures today. Some days are luckier than others with regard to photography. The birds are a joy every day.

Cora spent hours stuck up on top of the wall above the stalls. Eventually, she came down somehow. It reminded me of a cat I had many years ago, called Demi. One day, she climbed way up in an oak tree – maybe thirty feet off the ground, and began to wail. She spent the night in the tree. I called the fire department, and they said “Lady, have you ever seen a cat skeleton in a tree?”. Well, I had to admit I had not. “She’ll come down”, they assured me.

Meanwhile, my neighbor, Cindy, who was very beautiful, and quite eccentric, flagged down a tree trimming crew and convinced them to come and rescue the cat with their extension ladder. So I never found out whether she would have come down eventually.

Skittle is very comfortable with climbing up and down the ladder. Licorice and Marmalade only need to climb down from the hay bales to eat on their white tablecloth

In the house, Cedar and Mistletoe shared a moment.

Outside, the Pearl Brothers were very rambunctious.

When Bart came in, he had managed to cut himself somehow.

Harry worked in the studio all afternoon, but I didn’t get a picture until he came in for the evening. Mistletoe loves sitting on Harry’s lap. She feels superior to the other dogs, who are too big for laps.

Rebecca stopped by with eggs, which was a wonderful surprise. She helped me with night check, and gave Oisin his good night cookie.

Oisin, though filthy himself, was very pleased with his clean bedding, and wishes everyone a peaceful night and a happy, safe Thanksgiving tomorrow.

Stay safe, stay well.

4 thoughts on “Wednesday – November 25, 2020”

  1. Happy to see all is well. The winter dove on that fabulous tree!
    Have a Thanksgiving blessed with all good things.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving from the land of the Thoroughbred❤️ The close up of Tom Morris is so real; I felt as though I could reach out and put my fingers through his furry orange coat. Love the portrait of Harry and Mistletoe. Want more of your smile too! Happy frolicking horses always fun to see, although “owies” sometimes happen. Have a warm and full of love Thanksgiving day.

  3. Kevin and I laughed out loud about the fireman’s comment, and he is now researching if cats can get out of trees! Happy Thanksgiving to you and Harry!

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