Tuesday – May 25, 2021

One of the fun parts of living with animals is heading out to the barn in the morning, and being greeted by the cats.

The horses enjoyed the cool morning. Harry set off for Columbia to discuss a sculpture project.

More cat pictures…

Much of my day was full of unremarkable chores. But any day that I see a turtle here is a good day. This beautiful creature was near the shed.

Out on the back porch, the birds were plentiful. I also saw several hummingbirds, but still have not managed to get a picture. The summer tanager is a dependable subject.

I will now report on Weedy’s disgrace and misbehavior yesterday. He went to the recycling center with Harry, and while Harry was putting some cardboard into the appropriate container, Weedy climbed into the back seat and out the window. When Harry turned around, Weedy was gone from the car and nowhere to be seen. A lady who was doing her recycling, told Harry the direction the dog had gone. Harry went that way, and a worker said Weedy had gone out the back gate (“good lookin’ dog!”). Poor Harry! He was devastated and terrified. He got into the car and went east from the recycling center. There was a gravel road, and suddenly, he saw movement, drove down to a treelined creek, and Weedy was there, pleased to see Harry, and enjoying his adventure. He hopped right into the car, tongue lolling. Harry now has more gray hair and has probably lost a year of his life from the fright. It brings back memories of searching for lost hounds as a huntsman. There is such a thrill and relief when you find one, as you drive around, hope rising and falling. It doesn’t always end well. We are very lucky this misadventure had a happy resolution. Weedy is in the metaphorical doghouse, but still sleeping between us and receiving constant praise for not being dead.

Finally, the old fashioned peonies are blooming. It continues to be a beautiful Spring season.

Stay safe, stay well. Peace.

3 thoughts on “Tuesday – May 25, 2021”

  1. Francie R Reidy

    I’m so glad Weedy had an ultimately safe adventure! (I always think of Thoreau’s remark about being a ‘live dog instead of a dead lion’ for those saunters about…) I really is a beautiful spring – peace and not a little heaven scattered about us in the ruburbs!

  2. Poor Harry!!!! Bad dog Weedy!! Don’t you do that again to your Harry! All’s well that end’s well, now you all can curl up together and Weedy, you may only dream of ventures such as the “recycling to stream incident.”

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