Thursday – May 28, 2020

Well, to start, here is a link to an article about Harry that came out in the online Princeton Alumni Weekly last week. I meant to link to it, but, like so many things, I got distracted, and forgot! I think it’s quite good. The author interviewed Harry a few weeks ago by phone.

As for my life, well, not much to report. I suppose we could have ridden today (it’s only just started to rain since it got dark) but other chores got in the way. The ring is pretty wet and it’s hard to get inspired without a goal, I admit!

We did venture out for supplies, which took a while, especially since I had a craving for a Starbucks iced coffee. The line was short, but it was still about a fifteen minute wait! Caffeine addiction is a burden, but there are health benefits to it (I declare as justification). The iced coffee was delicious, and worth it. Harry tried a new drink, which was awful (and green).

I did take some pictures – after all, the blog itself is a goal. Peonies are in full bloom. When we lived in Bowling Green, peonies were the favored flower for Memorial Day at the cemetery, since they bloomed right at that time. I loved the way people pronounced pee-OH-nee there. My maternal grandmother was a painter, and peonies were one of her favorite subjects.

The summer tanager is a regular visitor.

Rosie wanted her picture in the blog, too. She thinks it’s unfair that her brother gets all the attention. I have tried to explain to her that black cats are very difficult to photograph.

Harry and his dogs are easy to photograph. The difficulty there is in picking a picture.

Harry continues to exercise and work as hard as ever.

Harry does take some time to enjoy the “water feature” – ha! Actually, he is trying to fix the pump. There is always some problem with the dreaded water feature, otherwise known as a pond.

The cherry trees are looking promising. Usually, it’s about now that the varmints arrive and pick the trees clean – just as I begin to think about harvesting!

Another cloudy, cool night for the horses. They will get wet again tonight.

And finally, Montana mule baby pictures! Rainy loves a scratch – I’m not sure which is cuter – those big ears or that funny little tail. Steve is teaching her to carry weight already. She is handling that heavy hat well!

Stay safe, stay well, these strange days will pass.

8 thoughts on “Thursday – May 28, 2020”

  1. My friend Avis, professional photographer who comes to WWU twice per year to photograph students and faculty with their favorite horses, dogs, and people, used to tell me that taking pictures of Honny Precious Angel and Tinkerbelle was like shooting ducks in a barrel. It was never my favorite visual but it aptly describes how walking around your home and taking pictures must be (except of course the Pileated Woodpecker in flight). When you share your everyday adventures on BFF and in Rainy’s home, I see them and for a little while I am back in Missouri, the place where I was born and spent most of my life prior to becoming a Michigander. I love Michigan but I also love these visits to the familiar…seeing and hearing about what you and Harry are up to. Thanks, peace, love, L

    1. We miss you in Missouri, but you have found a wonderful life up north. I feel so lucky to have reconnected with you! ❤️   

  2. Harry in his studio exemplifies “in the moment” and “loving what you do.” No! This Hall of Famer will not slow down! Great article!

  3. I really enjoyed all of your pictures and reading the Princeton article on Harry. (One of my first speeches in college was about fox hunting!) we rode last Tuesday so didn’t have to wipe down wet horses on Wednesday. So clever we were!

    1. I’m so glad you are back to riding – it is good for the soul and the body (as long as you keep the horse between you and the ground, as my mother advised).

  4. Peonies travelled to California in the covered wagons. There were always enough to decorate the graves of those who died on the trail as well as for Grave decoration Day where they settled.

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