Thursday – August 27, 2020

Rosie has claimed the top of the dryer in the barn as her special place. She is overshadowed by her brother, Roscoe, and doesn’t get much attention, nor has she attained house cat status (there can be only one), so here is a picture of her this morning. She could be the sweetest cat on the farm.

Fred came to Jane’s house to shoe today, so Stone and I made our way over there. As luck would have it, Stone had not grown much foot, and Fred felt he could wait another two weeks, until the next appointment here. He did a bit of touch up, tightening clinches and making sure the shoes were secure. Summer is always a tough season for horseshoes. Despite being told there was no need for Stone to get shod today, I stayed for the fun. Jane’s barn is clean and bright and full of swallow chatter. There is also the frequent loud donkey bray with which to contend, but that actually adds to the charm. Stone and I enjoyed our morning.

We laughed a lot. Fred has a new chicken. I think he picked the chicken because of its resemblance to a certain politician Fred admires. We have at least two more shoeings before the election, so I am working hard at opening Fred’s mind, but I fear it’s a losing battle. Too bad Fred doesn’t read the blog – haha!

It was time to reset the ring. A brutal job in the heat, but at least it was overcast, so less awful than it can be. The only bad news is that Jane got stung by a wasp. The end result of our travails looks nice. Now we just have to hope it rides well.

The Heptacodiums (Seven Son Flowers) on the south side of the house are starting to bloom. I went to get a photo and found that the bees were really enjoying the blossoms. While I was out there with the good camera, I got Harry, and Nettie and Weedy, too.

Harry left his bike ride for the end of the day. I rousted him from the basement for an evening drink.

Stay safe, stay well.

6 thoughts on “Thursday – August 27, 2020”

  1. Mine is ,too. Covered with native bees, honeybees, and great big bumblebee bees. Thanks, Anne. Jonee

  2. I started on resetting my field last night, flipped the kayak jump over to find a very small wasp nest, so I bravely stepped on it, then looked like an idiot running from the wasps! This time I got away, we are even, they got me unprovoked last time! Your arena looks gorgeous – so satisfying after all that work – have fun putting it to use!

  3. Anne McCarthy Nelson

    Harry not only plays golf on a very hot day, but then comes home and works in his studio. He is riding his bike in humid evenings. I am awed his energy.

  4. Poor Fred, a follower of lies. Weedy and Nettie know better, so dies Roscoe for sure, and it looks like pretty Rosie has a sensible mind, and a lovely heart. Wishing you all continued joy and good cocktails!!

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