Sunday – September 27, 2020

The weather is changing today. It was cloudy all day and my priority was getting the tack room door painted. Alas, only after I painted yesterday did I realize I had bought the wrong color paint. So, back to Sherwin Williams with the color chart (too bad I didn’t do that to begin with – I took an old can that I thought was the color). Anyway, it’s barn door, and now it’s done enough and it barely rained. Also, I now know I cannot make painting a career.

Harry took a picture of fish in the pond. Soon, they will be hibernating.

Tom Morris and Roscoe tolerate one another, though Roscoe loves to tell his rival that only he can enter the house. Tom Morris is hoping that if he cleans up, he might get in…

At evening feeding time, I call Tom Morris and he comes a’runnin’…

Licorice and Marmalade run away to the flatbed restaurant at feeding time…

In the house, the dogs are making themselves comfortable.

No bird pictures today. Low light made all the pictures too blurred. No Harry or Anne pictures, either, but here is Marianne. She is wearing a jacket, and the late afternoon sky is very gray. Summer is over.

Stay safe, stay well, stay warm.

2 thoughts on “Sunday – September 27, 2020”

  1. I did the exact same thing trying to get a small section of our bedroom painted with a “new” can of paint I bought, exact same number and name as old can, but new paint was much “blue — er” than original. It looks ridiculous, but at least it’s in our bedroom.

  2. I love your cat and dog pictures. When I was 12 and lived on a farm with a big barn I had 30 cats. ( We had no mice.)

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