Sunday – November 7, 2021

With an extra hour under our belts, we anticipated a visit from Dan and Kris Martin today. Dan draws The Weatherbird cartoon for the St. Louis Post Dispatch, and Kris, his wife, is also an artist. They came bearing gifts, and we had a fun visit. Their interest in Harry’s work was concentrated and a great compliment. It was a nice time.

It was another lovely day, so we both saddled up and went riding with Jane.

We were dismayed to run across a possum varmint out in broad daylight. That doesn’t seem right. It is much bigger than the two we trapped in the hay barn. I hope it stays to the north, on Marilyn’s property, which is where we viewed it. Jane’s eagle eye caught it alongside the trail.

Oisin was very grumpy at having to stay home alone.

More birds are gathering on the back porch again, which brings us great pleasure.

We went in to St. Louis County for dinner with friends John and Laura to celebrate their 23rd wedding anniversary. As always, we laughed a great deal. We were more than 70% happy.

Finally, here is some catmint that, being next to the barn, has survived the frosts this week.

Stay safe, stay well. Peace.

4 thoughts on “Sunday – November 7, 2021”

  1. Your friend roster is long. It’s amazing to see the many many fun and interesting engagements you have. I feel like a happy Peeping Tom. And, the birds, it’s as if they are all welcoming each other back. I’m still chuckleing over Weedy wanting a driver’s license. Your hacks are a delight too, what a spot you’ve found with an abundance of woodsy trails. Extraordinary!

  2. Dan’s gotten chubby. Me, too. Harry looks great aboard. Is this a one time ride or a limited resumption of our old favoriteoutdoor activity? I am still getting out pretty regular until the temps drop below freezing and stay there.

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