Stormy Thursday – August 26, 2021

The news from Afghanistan is so harrowing that it is difficult to ramble on about life around here. Still, perhaps this provides a distraction, and there is little we can do from here. Perhaps the Amish have something, in not listening to news about a world that is apart from their community. Anyway, here at Bronze Fox Farm in Missouri…

It’s a thunder rumbling evening here, after another day of stifling heat, briefly relieved by an afternoon rain. We cannot complain here, after what we have seen and heard of flood and fire and carnage elsewhere. But it is hot.

Mark and Cynthia’s stay was brief but enjoyable. Their young dog, Kota, is delightful, and he fell for Mistletoe (a much older woman), but also enjoyed romping with Cedar. Mistletoe’s days of romping are long past. They were off to other obligations before Fred arrived to shoe yesterday.

Oisin was extremely lame when he came in yesterday morning. It was fortunate that Fred was coming, but the poor horse had somehow gotten a lot of debris wedged under his shoe, and I could not get it out. He was in so much discomfort that I had to remove his shoe before Fred arrived! He was immediately more comfortable, and Fred worked his usual magic, starting with Oisin, giving him four beautifully balanced feet, despite the heat. Oisin walked off sound to his stall and Jane confirmed later that he was completely fine at turnout (we went to dinner with friends in St. Louis).

I do not know how Fred worked all day in such heat. I was dehydrated just watching. All of the horses were very grateful for his efforts, and this morning, we tacked up and rode despite heat and horse flies. Susan is a good influence on Jane and me. We look on her as our personal trainer, shaming us into riding under conditions we might otherwise have used for taking a vacation…

Later this morning, Vlad arrived with a new armature for Harry. It is always a treat to see Vlad, who has fascinating perspectives on the world, as well as being part of our chosen family.

Stay safe, stay well, stay cool. Peace.

1 thought on “Stormy Thursday – August 26, 2021”

  1. Out to dinner in St. Louis, sounds lovely! Kota and family photo is another great one! Love the one of Jane laughing! Good job on Oisin! What a wonderful world you all live in.

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