September 17 Recap

Where to pick up, after leaving off almost two weeks ago!? At present, I am stealing a short time at Panera, using wifi. Centurylink has ruined my life. The new modem is WORSE than the old one. No blogging is possible at home, and there is barely any way to use the internet at all right now. Since I am horse showing, I will not address the issue for another ten days or so. It’s very frustrating.

Harry has had hernia surgery and is recuperating well, thanks to Weedy’s constant attention. He spent a week on house arrest, and yesterday was freed to drive a car again, so life is returning to normal.

Marilyn helped to keep Harry nourished with a delicious peach and blackberry cobbler. She and Roy delivered it to the barn while Harry slept.

I inadvertently entered the horse show this week (The St. Louis National Charity Horse Show – STLNCHS), and prepared for it by practicing mounting from the ground. Harry was well enough that I could participate while he rested and healed.

Kris came here to school Jane and me on Tuesday – it was a fun day. Also arriving on Tuesday was a barn guest, Petey, who belongs to Kris’ assistant trainer, Ashley.

Bart had a 4 fault round on Wednesday (my four faults), then took Thursday off, and came back yesterday with a double clear to win the Low Adult class! I should retire on that note, but it’s too much fun, so on we go…

Ashley and Petey are delightful barn guests, and Petey’s jump is an inspiration.

Now I am running out of time, so I will aim to blog again tomorrow.

Be safe, be well. Slava Ukraini! Peace.

9 thoughts on “September 17 Recap”

  1. A Huge Congratulations! Your riding skills have not diminished in the slightest over the years. And I have noticed that your horse is pretty special too. FUN!

  2. Best wishes to Harry. Glad he’s done well. I like his nursing assistants. Very frustrating about the cable-link, lack of. We had awful issues here until last year. You don’t know until you’re without what a pain it can be.

  3. I haven’t checked in for a bit – so happy to see all doing well & Harry recovering from surgery easily enough for you to show. Enjoy the rest of the week, I will check back for updates! Ashley and Petey are a beautiful pair! drooling over that last pic!

  4. Bravo, Bart! Félicitations, ma chère Anne!
    Not sure how your muscles were feeling , but in the photo you look like a teenager practicing your mounting from the ground.
    Bonne santé, Harry.
    Bisous et bonne chance!

  5. Congratulations on your show success and Harry’s recovery! Have you looked into StarLink? That service should be available in our area by next year, I think.

  6. Good news all around, well, except for the internet blues. Winning the class must have been rewarding, congrats are in order. And I say Weedy and Roscoe deserve heaps of praise, well done, you little care takers.

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