Saturday – May 30, 2020

Every morning after breakfast, Mistletoe insists on being picked up and held on a lap for “morning adoration”. She is a very odd little dog, but we do love her. Harry took a picture today.

I ventured out for mower fuel after breakfast. The gas station in Wright City was very busy. Seems the country is definitely opening up again. It was weird after so many quiet weeks.

Before the day warmed up, I did the push mowing, then Nathan arrived midday to do the hard part. We are so lucky to have his help.

The place looks quite presentable now. But the grass is already growing…

Here is a brown headed cowbird, which I used to like. Now, though, they are suspected in the bluebird nest destruction. I guess a bird should be innocent until proven guilty, but I cannot see them in a positive light at present…

Three ridden horses, turned out as the weather cools for a perfect evening.

Harry came out to see the horses and to give me my phone, which I had left in the house!

I followed him back to to the studio. It’s becoming apparent who this is!

We sat down by the pond for a little while, enjoying the peace. Stone was intrigued, staring at us from the pasture. The Pearl Brothers were too busy eating to pay us any attention.

We are afraid to watch the news, but we do. Although we are hidden away here, “far from the madding crowd”, our anxiety levels are high and moods are low. Not much to do but muddle along and hope that things resolve peacefully.

Stay safe, stay well and keep your fingers crossed.

1 thought on “Saturday – May 30, 2020”

  1. Watching the news evidently causes depression. So I took a deep breath and last night after long discussions with a friend in MN I went to PBS News Hour where Brooks and Shields commented on the riots. Fair level equitable reporting, but darn, still depressing. So back to Paul Theroux’s Deep South, after having finished his Dark Star Safari. Not much difference between Allendale, SC and Zimbabwe. I wonder, is the African continent where we began now the canary in the cage? Are we becoming the nightmare that is Africa, Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa? Powerful rich ruling parties ignoring the poor? Fearing them? In 1964 the Civil Rights Act was passed. 1968 one of our worst years of rioting and police brutality. The pictures of Minneapolis on fire, once a bastion of liberalism and benevolence towards the less fortunate, currently in angry flames due to one policeman’s disregard for another’s life and the other policemen to weak hearted to intervene reveals a gross similarity to Zimbabwe et. al..
    I should have stuck with cowbirds vs bluebirds❤️

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