
As promised, I have taken some pictures of our Adam Long sculptures, very different from Harry’s work. We like his unusual use of natural materials , mixed with sculpting that blends with real twigs and leaves, or even a wasp’s nest… The photography is inferior, I’m afraid, but Adam Long’s work is brilliant.

The day opened, after a chilly night, with the ginger boys joining me for a walk to the barn. They are very good pals. Tom Morris arrived a year before Marmalade. It took six months for Marmalade to let me touch him. And then, last year, another orange cat arrived at Jane’s house. He is now known as Tim Morris.

The horses are always happy to see me, knowing they will soon be outside…

Cedar always comes with me to the barn for a “cat food scatter”. She loves cat food, and we always give her a little bit every morning, since she is forbidden to go into the tack room to steal cat food, and she is generally very good. This morning, Tom Morris took her scatter. Poor Cedar didn’t know what to do! Don’t worry – I took Tom Morris to the shed for his breakfast so that Cedar could enjoy her treat.

I went to check on the ring footing, which was pretty frozen, so riding had to wait until afternoon.

Early birds were abundant.

The afternoon was warm, and the horses all ridden. Jane and I started with our Irish chestnuts, then she rode Oisin and I rode Stone, and Harry took pictures! It was a good day.

Be safe, be well. Slava Ukraini! Peace.

5 thoughts on “Saturday”

  1. All’s well at Bronze Fox Farm, happy four legged creatures everywhere! Well fed birds soaring towards their daily ration and a new twist, love the sculptures!

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