Quite A Week! – Monday October 16

Well, the week was a full one, which was a blessing in that it distracted from the world news, in which it seems the center cannot hold.  I do not ignore the headlines, but feeling powerless, I simply continue to share, with increasing gratitude, the lucky life I am living. There is so much beauty on this magical planet!

Bluebirds have been abundant, and their association with happiness makes them most welcome as the days begin to shorten.

Tuesday is trash day, and Harlan was in fine form, but that evening evening, at long last, Jane returned from England after a protracted, but uneventful flight. It is good to have her just there to our north, and I think Derry is glad to be back in work.

As the weather has finally cooled, the cats are hungry in the morning.

The horses continue to be on night turnout, and they, too, are ready for breakfast on cool mornings.

I have done some fence repairs this week. Gorilla tape works for a few jobs, but most require new boards.

The woods and its many wonders are a great consolation.

We had dinner with Bill and Pam at our favorite restaurant, Acero, with handsome Harris in attendance. We did not discuss current events, but Harris, a Bosnian, has his own thoughts of atrocities, I expect. He spent time in the army, with horses. Veterans of war, all over the world, are troubled as chaos rises.

The cats, and Weedy, keep us grounded on difficult days.

Riding Oisin, I came upon three turkeys near the ring.

This year, it is 50 years since I graduated from high school, in June of 1973. By October of 1973, I was well on my way to disgrace, miserable in nursing school in Bristol, England. I have never been to a reunion, and I did not plan to attend this one. But my dear friend, since Pre Primary, Cherie, tricked me into agreeing to take pictures at a Friday evening girls’ cocktail buffet extravaganza thrown by Tricia, who lives in the beautiful house she grew up in. I was quite overwhelmed by the whole thing, but it was wonderful to see the women we girls have become, and I am grateful that Cherie and Tricia encouraged my attendance. I do know that I was lucky to receive an excellent education and enduring friendships at Villa Duchesne. Life is an interesting journey.

On Saturday, Susan and daughters Sophia and Nomy trekked out here for a visit. They live in New York City and came for the Reunion Weekend. They nearly got the longest trip award, but Melissa came all the way from Maui, so she won. Sophia gets a special award, though, for driving all the way out to the country.

Sunday, underprepared, Oisin and I attended a riding clinic with Anna Hassö, a Swedish Olympic rider. Brett encouraged me to go, and he was even less fit than we were, but we were all fine, and had a great time. I came away with some better basics, and Oisin was a star. Thanks to Jane and Jessica for pictures.

Today, Harry rode in his recently arrived, new custom chaps. Tomorrow, we have an adventure planned.

Finally, autumn is here in all its brief glory.

Be safe, be well, pray for peace. Slava Ukraini! Peace, please.

8 thoughts on “Quite A Week! – Monday October 16”

  1. Peace, indeed. Sadness everywhere. I am grateful for every day I wake and plan my errands, which now seem so meaningless.

  2. Oh my gosh, your photos are magnificent. You need to make a table top book with all your photos and sell it. I’ll buy the first copy and pay extra for your autograph. I love all of your photos they’re just magnificent I think I especially liked the cat photos and the cat and the dog together that was great, and at the end, Harry’s smiling face cheered me up. Please keep sending me this. It makes my day. I’m so glad to be on your list. Now I hate to think of what I’ve been missing out on all these years! Yes, peace in the world would be a wonderful thing, but it just seems to be out of reach. I just don’t understand people and how they can have so much hatred toward other people

  3. What a week! I’ll say. But, yes, the world where nothing belongs, the tales don’t fit, nothing historic hints at the truth, and years of mollification pale against resentment. Then the bluebird, the blue jay, the paw on Weedy’s side, Harry on Stone, the frog never seen before, nature wins!

    1. Fall has arrived and it’s John,s favorite time of the year. The good news is our dear Darrell the cat is finally free to go outside as of yesterday. About 7+ weeks ago he disappeared for 3 days and we found him in my closet with a broken hind leg. The vet put on a splint bandage and we took him back once per week to have the bandaged changed. To start with the vet said he had to stay in a cage for about 6 weeks. We had no cage but when Anne heard she and Harry jumped in the car with a cage they had and arrived in just no time to offer Darrell a place to stay. John and I were very grateful, but poor ole Darrell was not so pleased. After 5 weeks the vet said it was not mending and said we had 2 choices: either put him down or remove the leg. Three weeks later our dear boy is successfully running around on 3 legs, minus his back drivers side leg and he is now free of the cage. We just love that ole cat and he loves us! We also love Anne and Harry; dear friends we are blessed to have. Will return the cage and bring lunch and have a nice visit when we all 4 have a free moment. Many 😊 thanks!

  4. Anne, your blog is possibly my favorite respite from the news of the world! But comparisons are odious. The pics are always amazing and uplifting!

  5. Jerry Fox-Gutierrez

    Spectacular gorgeous photos as always but this time with my sister and nieces as an added gift! merci!! Teenie

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