On We Go

Many thanks for kind words. We move on, and though the world seems to dim with losses, we carry bright memories with us.

The birds and Nature are my great solace. I have decided that my project for this year is to begin to rid our little patch of land of invasive species. The top villain being bush honeysuckle, with Russian olive a close second. I have set myself a goal of removing ten honeysuckle per day. That might be a bit ambitious, especially since the weather is miserable, but it’s a goal.

The past few days have been no good for riding, very wet and dreary, but Spring is definitely here. On warmer days, the Spring Peeper frogs are in full chorus, one of my favorite sounds. Birdsong abounds, no matter what the temperature. There is avian romance in the air. Days are longer, and tonight we switch to Daylight Saving Time.

The orange boys, Marmalade and Tom Morris are. a joy, regardless of weather.

We made a trip to town for a follow up doctor visit, and stopped at Fine Art for framing of a wonderful portrait John Stoeckley did of Harry.

Weedy has made many trips this week, with both of us. It’s exhausting, but he is always game for a car ride, especially if he gets to meet people. He does love to spread sweetness and light.

Yesterday, I went over to Jane’s house for a short visit. I took a few pictures.

Cedar and Weedy share the bed…

Gerry came by for a visit today, brightening the gloom. Harry built a great fire, perfect for a rainy day, and all is well here.

Be safe, be well. Slava Ukraini! Peace.

3 thoughts on “On We Go”

  1. Your orange cats always make me chuckle. My garden in Washington was basically wild. I always knew when Spring was arriving because the Trillium would come into bloom all over the hill. I love the Hellebores and other Spring flowers. We are looking forward to welcoming our Groundhog and Chipmunk friends back from their rest.

  2. Love you little world out there Anne, the orange cats, Weedy, and Harry looking very dapper! Jane looks great on Derry who always has her ears pinned over fences! Silly woman! Handsome Stone, and all, lovely, absolutely lovely!

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