Monday – June 29, 2020

Well, it is summer in Missouri, but it had rained a bit last night, making the ring footing delightful, and it was overcast, so Jane and I had a nice ride, complete with jumping.

Derry and Jane making it look easy, as usual

It was another day of projects, which never makes for very interesting reading. The big project is that new lights are going to go up on the walls of the studio. This plan has been ongoing since last November. The electrician, Tracy, who helped get Harry into the car on that infamous February 7th, when he broke his femur, has been very busy. We have been tolerant of relegation to the back burner, but it is getting a bit frustrating. Today, Tracy actually showed up, but there was some glitch, along with chaos in his personal life, so now tomorrow has been assured. We will believe it when it happens, but the studio is in a state of utter disorganization to make way for Tracy’s work. Nothing deters the sculptor from his art.

Outside, the “mound” has been weeded and will soon be mulched. It is gratifying, but the work is endless.

On the back porch, goldfinches are returning with offspring, I think. I see more finches lately, and some are definitely smaller than others.

I saw two Monarch butterflies today! One while we were riding around the back hayfield, and one enjoying the phlox in the front garden during the heat of the afternoon. I suppose it is possible that it was the same butterfly, but I like to think there are more. I love their distinctive erratic flight. And, of course, their dramatic color. Equally precious, though less dramatic, a bee amongst the hostas. Pollinators are vital and should be celebrated.

Harry with his dogs at the end of the day is one of life’s great joys.

Meanwhile, Roscoe is in the office reading a controversial blog.

Finally, no Montana pictures. Rainy is enduring too much rain at present, but she will return, with the sun. Instead, a most remarkable feat. Our good friend, Laura Balding, is renowned for her trapping of varmints and holds the record for numbers trapped in a season. Last night she caught two varmints in one trap! And not two of the same species – a raccoon and a possum!! Certainly this adds to her legendary status. She reports that a banana was the bait.

Stay safe, stay well.

2 thoughts on “Monday – June 29, 2020”

  1. Wow, go Laura Go! Are dogs more moral than us? No contest. Love how you see the world in living colors, thanks for sharing.

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