Happy Anniversary / Birthday – September 28, 2020

As it happens, Harry and I were married on Jane’s 33rd birthday. That was 35 years ago. I often say that I married Harry and got a treasured companion as a bonus. Jane was Harry’s friend before I came along, and she has become a cherished pal to me, and the closest thing I have to a sister.

Harry has exceeded every expectation I ever had of a husband, best friend and partner in life. It’s been quite a ride, and continues to be more fun than I ever deserve.

Today, we celebrated together (sort of – it is 2020 after all) with Imo’s pizza for a late lunch.

This morning, the horses were surprised that they did not get to come in. After a carrot to appease them, they resumed pasture life. I did take some bird pictures – here is a cardinal at the birdbath that looks nothing like a cardinal in this shot. His tail is getting wet.

We received a hay delivery today, putting to use the pallets we made for this occasion. It is such a relief to have plenty of hay, as the weather reminds us that winter is, indeed out there and coming this direction.

Stone and Oisin enjoy a midday scratch (Bart was out in the pasture eating, of course).

The time has come to close the bale doors. I will miss the view out of them, but they will open again in the spring. Luckily, I can close them with a slam, and don’t have to climb the ladder like I must to open them.

When it was time to come in for the evening, I called the horses, and they came up to the barn. The light was long and lovely. A couple of deer almost heeded my call, too! The light shows how dirty my camera lens is – I have cleaned it.

Marmalade and Licorice have been enticed to move their feeding station from under the flatbed to the shed. This will be much better in the winter. Licorice is not crazy about the idea, but Marmalade is willing to move, so she followed his lead.

The beauty berries are gorgeous and the evening sky tonight quite amazing…

Finally, out in Montana, Rainy is becoming an impressive gray mule. Nancy sent some pictures – look at those ears!

Stay safe, stay well, stay friends, stay married.

7 thoughts on “Happy Anniversary / Birthday – September 28, 2020”

  1. It has indeed been a wonderful ride with the best partner on this adventurous trail. I never fail to realize how very lucky I am.

  2. Oh betcha by golly wow, happy days happy days. 1985. Anne and Harry got married. Kenny won the AQHA World on Demon Bars for WWU. I was happily ensconced in my own little world at The Horse Fair, teaching 120 lessons/week. I had yet to see Harry and Willy conquer the world, Anne and Dress Gray jump really big sticks, or Casey Jones hunting the hounds. And Jane’s partnership with her most wonderful ride Derry. So happy to know you all!
    Peace, love, and hugs.


    I remember your courtship, engagement and wedding. What fun we all had , and have, celebrating your love. Congratulations.

  4. Happy Anniversary! You both seem so young I had no idea you celebrated 35 years of married life.
    You realize you Inadvertently gave away Jane’s age as well! Many happy days ahead.

  5. Happy Anniversary, and happy birthday to Jane! Rainy’s transformation is remarkable in the fact that I’ve never encountered a mule baby and I think she is the cutest ever! Thank you for the photos of the beauty berry, what intricate clusters.

  6. 35 years, I best remember the carriage, I can still see you carried off into your new lives, Bliss! (Well, most of the time, I bet!) My niece always said, “Horses are like people, some are lucky, some are not.” You are the lucky ones. What good friend does not find joy, if not solace in the jubuliance of their loved ones. With a big smile, may I say, carry on!! Well done!! Happy Days!!

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