Halloween – October 31, 2021

We were serenaded by coyotes last night. Cedar howled with them. This is my favorite time of year for fox / coyote hunting. We haven’t availed ourselves of that fun for many years, but I thought I would post a picture of a Halloween hunt in 1990. By that time, I had retired as a huntsman. During my five season tenure, we were very traditional, and costumes were just not done. But in 1990, things were loosening up. Harry dressed in a World War 1 uniform on Thomas Equinas. I was a Bedouin (this was long before the September 11 attacks) on a borrowed horse, belonging to Pam Feldman. I know – cultural appropriation, along with equine appropriation! I would be canceled today. Nonetheless, here is a funny picture of that long ago Halloween, at a meet that is now, sadly, developed into a top class dressage facility. No more hunting on Hoffman Road. Also notable is the complete disregard for head protection, which would never happen today. Well, I guess Harry is wearing a helmet!

Around here today, the sun gleamed over the tree tops as dawn broke, but then it became so overcast, I thought we might not ride. At midday, though, the sun burst through and it was a perfect day. Jane and I had a good school with Derry and Bart, followed by a trail ride.

Harry and I planned to ride, but the day got away from us. Stone was disappointed, I think. I had plenty to do, moving plants indoors, with frost predicted to arrive with November, tomorrow.

Birds are still not around in large numbers, as they were last year. I think they were quite disturbed by the commotion of all the roofing work. And I curtailed feeding for fear of disease for a while, too. I hope the rumors of a mystery disease among birds were false. In the woods, I hear plenty of avian chatter. Today, I did get a rare picture of a black capped chickadee in flight. I thought I was taking a picture on the feeder, but they are very quick!

End of the month accounting finds Harry hard at work at the kitchen table as the afternoon winds down. That smile looks like figures added up in the black, for a change.

Roscoe helped me bring plants in. At dusk, there was Venus in the Halloween sky – “star light, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight” … health and happiness for all we love.

Stay safe, stay well. Happy Halloween. Peace.

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