Green Suit Weather – January 26

It was cold this morning! 3 degrees (Fahrenheit, which is -16.1 Celsius) was forecast, but it was actually 1 degree (-17.2 Celsius). The good news is that the cold is not constant this season, but fluctuating, so it will be warmer tomorrow. The variety makes it easier to bear.

The horses and cats are unconcerned by the cold. Well, I say that, but four of the cats elected to spend the day in the tack room. Roscoe spent a lot of time outside, and Marmalade complained, but only in a joking way.

The birds were very hungry, of course.

I have friends with some troubles this week, and it serves to make me realize how very lucky I am to be able to work outside. This afternoon, the horses were silly about coming in. There was an imaginary monster over by the gate. It afforded some fun pictures, and they did get some exercise, running from ghosts.

Harry and Weedy relaxed at the end of the day…

Be safe, be well. Health and happiness… And peace.

2 thoughts on “Green Suit Weather – January 26”

  1. I love that close-up of the ‘Rime’. And it made me think of the Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Coleridge – did they in fact spell it that way and it wasn’t just an archaic orthography?
    You clearly love and enjoy all your animals but esp those beautiful horses- nice posts!

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