Friends – February 10

We are blessed with many friends, old and new. Of course, referring to some of our long time friends as “old friends” no longer feels right, as we are actually getting “old”!

Last night, we celebrated a birthday over delicious dinner with good friends of longstanding. Today, we had a visit from a treasured, longtime friend, Jane McClaren. I met Jane in the 1970s, when a mutual friend and I went to Kansas City to watch The American Royal, a big horse show in those days. We stayed with Jane, who was the most glamorous woman I had ever met. She is an artist and a horsewoman, an eccentric character and an aunt to another good friend, Linda Parkhurst. It is a small world we inhabit, populated with fascinating characters.

Thanks to Jane, the house is tidied up and the vacuum got some exercise. Harry managed to play through the pain and fixed a delicious meal. Jane’s lovely dog, Etta, a “hunt terrier” accompanied her, but spent much of her time resting in the car, having had lots of exercise earlier. Mistletoe, Roscoe, and Weedy enjoyed a short visit with Etta, who is a perfect little dog, not as fierce as Jane’s beloved Jack Russell, Chaps, who loved people but would not tolerate other dogs!

Our visit was short, but filled with laughter and great discussions, and colored by good memories resurfacing.

The flicker visited again today.

The horses are going feral, it has been so long since we have ridden… Oisin is wearing a mask with UV filter to protect his eyes from the glare. His eyes have seemed a little irritated. It’s bright with all this snow!

Tom Morris greets Cedar in the morning with suspicion, but Cedar is only interested in watching for varmints. She knows the difference between a varmint and a cat!

In the barn, Tom Morris and Cora walked atop the stalls, while Roscoe returned to the house on the thawing path.

Bart came in this evening looking like he is ready for a ride, with a shot at the grooming award.

My best friend for eleven years…

Be safe, be well, cherish friendships of every kind. Peace.

3 thoughts on “Friends – February 10”

  1. What a great variety of pics today! Great bird shots and I smiled seeing you and two Janes smiling so warmly. You sure had me set me up for a tear in my eye when I saw your final pic of Snap’s tombstone!

  2. Jane brought some of that feisty glamour to our lit classes at UM-SL! Thr prof made some joke about the horse world- I still laugh- do you remember Jane? (Believe it or not I am still a little in love with that old partner, dark and Trumpian as she became- maybe it’s that ‘ dark’- offline) It’s great you’re getting around well- you look great! (as always do the birds and animals!)

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