Friday – May 22, 2020

Well, not a very interesting day, today. That is, nothing noteworthy for blogging, but every day has fascinations all around. This morning, as I went to put out bird feed, I saw this lovely patch of moss on the deck steps.

Fred came to shoe today. Oisin was very ready, but the other two could stand to wait another week, to grow a little more foot. I feel so lucky that Fred is willing to return in a week. Three horses is hardly a big shoeing account, and we are so fortunate to have the quality shoeing that Fred provides. Of course, he also provides much laughter and fun.

While Fred was shoeing, I got this picture of Tom Morris, well disguised, asleep on top of the wall of Stone’s stall. It does illustrate that I should probably power wash the barn, but that is unlikely to happen.

Oisin found the shoeing exhausting.

Nathan had to go to work today, so he was going to come later in the afternoon to mow. That would have been fine, except the forecast had rain this afternoon. The grass was so overgrown that I decided to do the mowing myself. Riding the mower is the one thing my back really resents, but I survived the two hours it took. As I was finishing up the push mowing, the rain started, so I made the right choice, for once. Nathan says there is rain in the forecast all next week, too. I’m getting pretty tired of this! At least this morning, though, we had a glimpse of blue sky.

I watched the female Hairy Woodpecker eating seed on the deck rail. It was very odd – she tips her head sideways and uses the side of her beak to collect seed. I guess she gets more in her mouth that way…

The male Summer Tanager made a colorful appearance.

Harry worked hard, as usual. We met up for a drink and to watch the news at the end of the day. Weedy loves the opportunity to sit in the recliner with Harry.

And finally, Montana mule baby pictures! Here is Rainy with her mother Gracie, and lying on the ground eating grass. What a character!

Stay safe, stay well, stay dry, and keep washing your hands.

3 thoughts on “Friday – May 22, 2020”

  1. florence s rice

    I have never had a mule from toddlerhood. Lovely and so smart and so lucky if her manners teaching gets going right now. I have had Lacey for four months by the end of May. She is so smart, longes both directions at walk and trot on command. Um, the canter leaves me breathless , yelling, popping my whip, stepping on the line , etc. I have NOT been able to tighten the girth yet because with sixty million collecting unemployed, I can’t find the right person to stand at her head while I cinch up, hike round (etc again. Don’t you love etc?) I feel this may be my jackpot weekend. My neighbor is shed of her two legged child and maybe can help me with my fourlegged one. Adorable MULE PICTURE. pLEASE POST SOME MILESTONE PIX

  2. The flowers are lovely, and every living creature looks very relaxed. Soothing.

  3. AOA : I have a disease. Whenever i read other people’s writing, i automatically correct their grammar. AOA, you astonish me! You far out-leap any college student I have ever had.

    Love the bird pix

    get off of that lawn mower!

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