Friday – March 27, 2020

It remains a joy to wake up with Harry back in our bed. We haven’t returned the hospital bed in the living room yet, but will get to work on that next week. I make morning tea, and we catch up on the crazy outside world on our phones before really starting the day…


Bad news continues to assail us. It must be our age. A friend’s sister has died unexpectedly. Not from coronavirus, the family made clear on Facebook, apparently. I don’t do Facebook, myself. And as I was writing this, I received word of another friend’s father’s death. Such a flood of unwelcome news! And so difficult for the families, since we cannot hold funerals or memorials, so the grieving is prolonged indefinitely. I just read the obituary for my friend’s father and watched his life unspool through a remarkable collection of photographs, from early childhood through old age (88 years). I knew him best in his prime, about forty years ago. He was a sweet man, but quietly effective, accomplishing many things. Specifically, he helped resurrect the St. Louis National Charity Horse Show, which continues to be important to my own life.

I have news that my cousin Richard (a doctor) has tested positive for COVID-19, as has his sister, Fiona. They are in England, where life is every bit as crazy as it is here. The family’s life is now very complicated.

So, it seems ridiculous to write about our little life here in Missouri, but on we go…

Spring’s green fuse is lit, regardless of coronaviruses and pandemics.

And speaking of lit, I burned grasses today…

Burning grasses, a Springtime chore

I finally ventured out to the grocery store. It was a bit surreal, with people in masks and gloves (including me) filling carts so that we don’t need to go out again for a while. Most things were available, on my list, anyway. I didn’t really look around, just bought the things as planned. I feel so fortunate to be able to buy what we desire. And speaking of good fortune, Janis and Bill came by with yet another delicious loaf of homemade bread – and butternut squash soup! I had picked up some flour and rice for them, but certainly didn’t expect such a return! We are blessed in friendships, for sure.

Harry is doing so well, that he really doesn’t need me, and he has taken to doing chores around the house. He also works in the studio, but it’s frustrating for him, because he can’t just step across the room to get things. It all takes effort, but he manages more each day.

Roscoe not only looks after Harry, he also patrols his kingdom. The bottom two pictures look like a fierce cat fight, but it was really play. Roscoe and Twizzler are good friends…

And also around the farm…

In closing today’s entry, here are two smiles that brightened the day – Cedar, our “smiley lunkhead”, and Marianne, who is always smiling, no matter how hard she is working…


Wishing smiles and peace to all…

2 thoughts on “Friday – March 27, 2020”

  1. Oh wow spring looks good at Bronze Fox! Yes the news is grim. So sorry to hear about your cousins. Our hearts go out to everyone. We are planning our next outing to the Coop in Traverse City (about an hour) where we can order our groceries online and pick them up curbside without going into the store. It will be nice to just get out and go for a little drive. Peace.

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