Better Again – February 28, 2020

After a bit of a difficult day yesterday, things are looking up already.

Most important, news on Laureen is good – she is conscious and talking! I get this information from Jane via Facebook. A huge relief!

Roscoe gave Harry some extra love this morning, vibrating, humming, near the leg, which was bound to help…

Roscoe hard at work

Carmen (OT) came today and she helped a lot, too, as she did last week. To our surprise, she made Harry do more than we realized he could do! She also removed the brace completely and supervised our first attempt at knee bending on the edge of the bed. It was very reassuring to have an expert walk us through it correctly. Much as we love Dr. Spitzfaden, he is very busy and probably doesn’t understand how clueless and paranoid we are! Now we feel much more competent and have a plan for the next few days until Kristin arrives for PT.

Mistletoe needed some reassurance, as it was a busy morning and she had to do a lot of yapping.

Nathan (or Nathaniel, as Jonee Nehus more properly calls him) arrived to help with a major project – putting a ramp into the studio. This was cause for optimism, and I must admit, Nathan’s ramp is a lot better than the one Jane and I installed in front of the house! Harry hasn’t seen it yet, but I showed him pictures, and he is delighted. Here are the steps, the ramp in progress, and the finished path to happiness in the studio (though not for another week or so…)

Nathan does all the hard work around here, and always with a smile. We are so lucky that he finds time to help us!


Nettle and Weedy wondered if there were any plates to lick after lunch… such bad beggar dogs!

Weedy was given permission for an afternoon adventure, which Harry shared vicariously through the GPS tracker on the collar through his phone. It was a good, long romp and I was relieved when he arrived home as I was bringing the horses in…

Adventure puppy at the back door

The recliner from the medical supply store is a very popular place. Roscoe thought it was for him, but his throne has been usurped by The Weed! Harry does sit in it – he has priority over even the animals, but I never get there in time!

And then, before we know it, another day done. Time flies whether you’re having fun or not…

4 thoughts on “Better Again – February 28, 2020”

  1. Yay priorities, a ramp to the studio, and evidence of sunshine in your pictures….spring and wellness are on the way.

  2. Anne and Harry—- Ken here (as in Patti’s friend)……just getting caught up with some recent emails; so sorry to hear of Harry’s left leg accident, how did it happen? Things appear to be on the mend, and with all the animal and human support I’m sure Harry will be up and around soon. Cheers, Ken

  3. Progress!! That ramp is going to be Harry’s ticket to freedom. Glad to see a smile on his face. Make sure you take care of yourself too Anne 😘

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