A Short Week – July 7

The holiday Tuesday has me confused. Here we are already at the end of the week. Today, we have been given a reprieve from the heat, with promise of a couple of pleasant days to come.

Harry was back in the saddle this morning. I have always enjoyed following Harry on horseback. Nearly forty years ago, I followed him, crashing through the woods after hounds. We are more sedate now.

Yesterday, I only had time to ride one horse. Oisin got the call, since Bart was sleeping. By the time we were finished, I was exhausted. Oisin had almost more energy than I could manage. I think Fred put springs in his shoes.

The horses have been enjoying life without fly sheets for a few days. They were a little bit late coming in on Wednesday, and I had the camera with me.

The crows were thirsty this morning.

Squirrels, too, have been providing entertainment. Squirrel Nutkin has brought some youngsters to the back porch.

Tom Morris is not one for nonsense. He is very noble and reserved.

In the garden, a beautiful phlox is blooming, mixing violet and white. Zinnias are always exuberant colors.

Weedy continues to be a good patient. He enjoys his palace, and we have a routine that allows plenty of variety through the day.

The bluebirds of happiness will be fledging a second brood soon.

Be safe, be well, be happy. Slava Ukraini! Peace.

4 thoughts on “A Short Week – July 7”

  1. Harry looks so stately when riding!! A nice cool day today for making black berry jam. I will save you a jar!

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