Wet Weather and Hot Weather – July 12

We have had a very wet July already, and Missouri heat and humidity make chores tedious. That, and getting ever older. Still, we enjoy each day, Harry hard at work in the studio, while I putter randomly along.

The day starts with a look outside to check on the herd. So far, horse flies have not yet arrived, so the boys have been happily grazing on the well watered grass, even after the sun comes up.

When Bart comes in from a wet night, a roll is called for as soon as breakfast is eaten.

The birds are always a joy. Bluebirds are abundant this year, raising second nests of eggs, both by the barn, and out in the back field.

Amphibians being a sign of a healthy ecosystem, I am always happy to see toads. Wood frogs sing us to sleep every night, but I rarely see them.

The weather has been very favorable for fungi.

Only two orange cats live here, but Tim Morris enjoys stopping by from time to time.

I saw a beautiful green dragonfly at the barn this week.

In the studio, a new project is beginning. The General is underway.

Blooms and creatures and friends fill our life. There is never enough time, and always too many pictures.

Mona has moved on in her journey toward a new, fulfilling life, stopping here briefly on her way.

Back east, Michael is enjoying their new town – old Concord, Massachusetts. He went kayaking with a neighbor, Steve, who is a professional photographer. He took this great picture of Michael on the water.

Summer is slipping along, and we are grateful for all of our good fortune, despite the oppressive heat and even more oppressive national and international news. When we lived near the Amish, they had no interest at all in the news (even 9/11, which happened while we lived in Bowling Green), because they had nothing to do with it. Here, in Missouri, we are discouragingly inconsequential and powerless, but I continue to believe democracy will survive.

Be well, be grateful for every day. Slava Ukraini! Peace.

7 thoughts on “Wet Weather and Hot Weather – July 12”

  1. Never to many pictures. Harry looks so happy and contented, but who wouldn’t be being married to a wonder lady like you Anne.

    1. Woody,
      I agree 100%! I have known Harry x 81 years and he has never looked happier or more contented.
      Steve Achuff

    1. The general is an actual person General Gignilliat at Culver Military Academy in Culver, Indiana. He founded the Black Horse Troop there.

  2. Once again, I thoroughly enjoyed all of your photos. Your blog always makes my day a little brighter! Nukin is really beautiful. Our squirrels don’t have that white chin and belly. I think he is a “show squirrel!”

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