Wednesday – June 3, 2020

It was a hot summer day here. The planned installation of a new French door was not postponed. The door was ordered in October of last year and this was the third attempt, the third actual door delivered. Third time was not a charm. It has been a very frustrating project. But, as Harry would say, at least it cost a lot! Long story short, the door returned to Lowe’s and we will try a fourth time. This is not the fault of Lowe’s, by the way.

Coincidentally, Tracy, the electrician came today, too. Tracy was here the day Harry broke his femur and he helped get Harry into the car. Remember kids, if you break your femur, do NOT get into a car. Call an ambulance! But I digress. Tracy fixed a few lights and made plans for a big project in the studio next week. It was good to see him under better circumstances than departing for the hospital, as when we last saw him in February.

Tracy at work

My project on this “repair and maintenance day” was to install a new kitchen faucet. That was a success.

Harry spent time in the studio, and time resting, and ventured out to get a pizza for lunch. He is feeling a bit rough, but is always game and uncomplaining. We are looking forward to getting him back in rhythm tomorrow.

Storms rolled in this evening, to the dismay of the dogs and to Harry’s delight.

Weedy needed some comfort.

Roscoe did not need comfort. Nothing worries the Maltese King of Cats. Here he is on the desk in the office – you can see the rain pelting down outside in the first picture. If you look closely in the second picture, you can see the toe that Roscoe injured when he was a kitten. The knot in the Persian Rug of Roscoe.

It has been a heavy day, but on we go. When I get overwhelmed, all I have to do is point the camera at Harry and see a smile.

Finally, Montana mule baby picture of the day…

My ears won’t fit!

Stay safe, stay well, stay in touch with friends.

16 thoughts on “Wednesday – June 3, 2020”

  1. News is great! Market is way up! It depends on the weather, but in a month or so I would like to pay a small adult to sit on my pony. I would like this to happen on my side of the river in the environment the little horse is familiar with. Send suggestions. Ted is too heavy. Thanks

    1. Kristen Strange

      How about a medium sized adult that you wouldn’t need to pay who doesn’t live too far away and happens to have a fairly wide open schedule these days? 🙂

      1. Kristin , you are perfect. I WANT to pay. I think you will find her quiet. BUT no promises with a filly just coming two. My email is . My telephones are 636-451-2351 and 636-399-1911. If I could just get her to walk with myself on her companion horse around the pasture, ring or trails on the farm, that would be swell.
        Her feet are kind of soft. I am hoping this next month of activity will help. If not, I will have to get advice about that before we start.

        1. Kristen Strange

          Sounds great! You’ll hear from me soon. I’m very out of riding shape as I have not been riding much, but I would love to give it a shot!

          1. Kristin, you are a super star compared to the only other volunteer, my next door 9 year old.. Seriously, I woud be so grateful!!!
            How are Geri and Pockets? They are close enough to visit, see Roy’s cats, too.

  2. Good news today! Military speaks out against Trump and Biden is leading in states Trump had won! Love the picture of Harry and Weedy! Well, all pictures of Harry are good; way to go Anne!

  3. Sorry, Anne, if I break my femur I AM getting into the car. And I am DRIVING said car—because I am a MAN, BABY, and that is what men do.

    Also, just want to send my condolences to my friend Harry. I have that same shirt. Love it. Comfortable. And like your husband, I make that shirt sing!! Am going to miss it as i just read that the Hawaiian look is now the preferred shirt of our right wing extremists. Damn!!!

    1. Yes, Jack, I have tried to explain to Harry the new concept of Boogaloo Bois but he says that HE is a MAN – and he was wearing Hawaiian shirts before Boogaloos were conceived, so he will continue unafraid. I refuse to be seen in public with a man in a Hawaiian shirt because I am a chicken and do not want to get shot. So he will wear a button down Oxford to and from the hospital today.

      1. I thought the same about Boogaloo Boats! However I shall not dispose of my aged loud Hawaiians nor be shamed. I will continue to wear them with pride …in the house, only because Laura loves them so.

        1. I love Hawaiian shirts, too, Boats, but I dread confrontations! We will have to enjoy that particular sartorial treat privately for a while.

  4. Kristen Strange

    Thinking about you and Harry today. Hopefully Kevin will catch you guys at St. Luke’s. Feel better, Harry!

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