Wednesday – July 29, 2020

Oisin was grabbing a few last bites of grass when I came out of the house to bring the horses in. The others were already in the shed, hiding from horse flies.

Bart listened for Derry to come down the road. As she arrived, he lost interest. Maybe he knows that once she gets here, it’s time to go to work.

It was a beautiful morning, and we had a nice ride, then I had to go on a mission to meet a guy about some hay. The hay was good, but to my dismay, it has sold quickly, so he only has 60 bales left. This is one of the difficulties of having horses, the constant need to locate good, but not too good, hay. I am the foolish grasshopper about things like this, believing it will all work out. Jane tends to be the industrious ant, always better prepared. But we are both always on the lookout for good hay sources.

Following that little adventure, Jane and I met up at St. Louis Bread Company for a late outdoor breakfast with Louise and Pam after their riding lesson. It was so much fun, and I was so excited to see friends, that I completely forgot to take any pictures. This was our first social outing in ages, and it was a little nerve wracking, but very enjoyable. Much laughter surrounded us, keeping any viruses away, I hope.

Meanwhile, Harry was slaving away at home in his PPE. He is smiling in this picture, behind the mask.

The remainder of the day was spent on office work, with a considerable break for a long phone call with Susan in New York City. Again, much laughter, even though our conversation touched on bleak subjects. Perhaps the best time to laugh is when discussing grim topics.

We had more rain this afternoon, just a short shower or two, and I snapped a picture of the new blooming white water lily. While the yellow ones are more abundant, both are beautiful.

Out by the studio, we keep a little bucket for dog water. It was hot this afternoon, and Mistletoe and Nettie took big drinks on the way to the house. Of course, they have water in the house, but outdoor bucket water always tastes the best.

Marmalade continues to make progress. Lately, he has become courageous enough to sit up on the flatbed, instead of hiding in the weeds. Tiny increments, steady improvement..

Stay safe, stay well, make haste slowly, and keep laughing when you can.