Wednesday – April 7, 2021

It was a dreary day, culminating in rain, and lots of it. We gave the horses the day off, anticipating a visit from Kris tomorrow for a lesson, but that has been canceled. Boo hoo! The horses don’t care.

Marianne was here doing barn work. Still smiling!

I took the chance to attend to some desk chores, then ran an errand to Wentzville. On the way back, I saw some turkey vultures on the big power lines.

The usual birds were around, too.

The woods to our east were logged out three years ago. It was extremely traumatic, hearing chainsaws and crashing trees for weeks on end. It changed the light here tremendously, and it took me many months to come to acceptance of it. But, now the understory trees, like dogwoods and redbuds are thriving, and at this time of year, those woods, though changed, are beautiful in a different way. I know there is a life lesson in that.

Here, the weeping crabapple is gorgeous now.

In the barn, Cora is unashamed of her pandemic weight gain. She believes there is more of her to love. The horses endured a spa day this afternoon. They all look much tidier, and not quite as fat as Cora!

The sky was dramatic when Jane came over to check on the ring conditions. It was found to be too wet for Kris to do a lesson, and we have had a lot more precipitation since then. Those clouds on the horizon held rain.

Finally, on this wet evening, I saw a toad near the back steps. I love toads! A good omen, despite the damp.

Stay safe, stay well. Peace.