Update Friday – Dec 22

Today started poorly, with the pulmonologist finding Harry’s lungs worse than yesterday.  Then, we were told that there was no way Harry could get on the schedule for a cardioversion, and with the Christmas holiday, it would be Wednesday before he could get converted.  

They lifted the NPO order,so Harry could eat, and he wanted a piece of Whole Foods pizza (health food!?), so off I went a mile up the road.  My phone rang as I was pulling into the parking lot. It was Harry, and they had worked him into the schedule after all!

Luckily, he had not eaten.  They said they would do a cardioversion in the ICU.  I rushed back, and by then they had changed their minds.  We waited for three hours.  Suddenly, someone appeared, and Harry was taken to the EP lab, and promptly converted to sinus rhythm.  We are so grateful to Dr. Cooper for managing this!  He did say he had to sell his firstborn child, but the child is a teenager and he doesn’t like him much, anyway.

Now we see what the pulmonologist says tomorrow, and if that report is good, we await the hospitalist.  There is a CHANCE we will get home for Christmas after all.

Meanwhile, Jane is treating our dogs like kings, catering to their every wish (well, except for Weedy’s wish to have Harry home). She sent photos. No horse pictures, as it’s a rainy day and they probably look wet and filthy, but I’m sure they are happy.

And in another turn of good luck, our nurse today, Debbie, knew of a bed that I could use. She brought it to us, and I feel like Christmas has arrived early. I will get to sleep up off the floor!

Be safe, be well, have a Happy Christmas weekend. Slava Ukraini! Peace.

21 thoughts on “Update Friday – Dec 22”

  1. Great to get good news…will keep our prayers going..
    Keep positive thoughts and you get some much needed rest…
    Wishing you a healthy and Happy New Year
    Love from all the cousins….and me☘️🧑‍🎤

  2. Oh Anne, thank you for the updates, and good ones to boot! Rooting for a Weedy, Eddy, Anne and Harry reunion at home ASAP! Yay Jane!

  3. All this bad karma has to have an end soon. Good luck to Harry and you!
    May the holidays be bright for you and yours!
    Very best of wishes

  4. Jane may be my new favorite person on the planet! I am so glad to hear that things are looking up. You guys are so important to me andI love you . But do tell Harry that his hospital stay is not a get out of scrabble, free card!

  5. Anne, I love that you can keep your sense of humor, no matter what. You and dear Harry both have that capacity. And it Has to help the healing, that we all continue to pray for.
    There Is sunshine behind those clouds.
    I pray you will both know Christmas blessings.

  6. I thought about you two all day yesterday. So glad to get some good news! Christmas at home could be your best gift this year. Fingers crossed for continued healing. Merry Christmas.

  7. I’m happy you can see some humor in this ordeal. (Dr Coopers child!) We are praying hourly for Harry’s health. Hopefully a lapsed Lutheran prayer won’t do any harm.
    There is banana bread for New Years.

  8. Jessica Billstrom-Saxon

    Wonderful to hear that Harry is better and thank goodness for wonderful doctors nurses! We hope his improvements continue and you get to come home for the holiday 🎄❤️

  9. Continued prayers for Harry. Fingers crossed you will soon be home with Weedy and the rest of the gang. ❤❤

  10. Thanks for keeping us informed here, we’re all eager to hear news and happy for this great update. Maybe you can send Janis’s banana bread to Dr. Cooper 😁

  11. Anne, was thinking of you and Harry all day and so glad you updated us all with good news. Here is to good thoughts on you both getting home for Christmas and God bless Jane.

  12. Anne,
    Thank you so much for keeping us posted. Harry and you are on my mind. I am sending you as many positive thoughts as the winds will carry your way. You two are part of my “village” even so far away. Please give all my love to Harry. And of course much love to his strong and constant defender in front of mean grumpy nurses.

    Hoping you are all reunited at home before Christmas.

    Much love,


    P.s.: I’m in love with Eddy! He looks like the perfect fit for your family.

  13. I can’t think of anything someone else hasn’t said, so double it all from us. Hang in there. Much love from jonee and Bob

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